I’m trying to set up data replication between PostgreSQL databases using Apache Age and I am getting an error message like this: "replication slot ‘slot_name’ does not exist".
I was expecting the primary database’s replication slot to be established and ready for replication.
For replication and load balancing, Apache-age offers the customized support of Pgpool-II(AGEHA), @repo: https://github.com/apache/age/tree/AGEHA,
You can use this for replication of queries, and load balancing.
You can follow the conventional procedure of connecting Postgresql to pgpool-II.
If you are facing such an issue, it is because the replication slot has not been created or the slot doesn’t exist in the database. Make sure you have created the replication slot in PostgreSQL.
You can use the below command to create a replication slot on the primary database.
Replace the slot name with your desired slot name. After creating the replication slot, you can proceed to data replication without facing such an error.