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I have a table with student data which includes their start and withdrawal dates. Not all students have withdrawal dates as they are still enrolled.
I am trying to calculate the number of new students per month, withdrawals per month, existing students per month. I have already completed counts of new and withdrawals per month, I am facing trouble in the calculation of existing students.

Data starts from January 2023.

This is the query I have come up with:

WITH student_activity AS 
    -- Convert start and withdrawal date keys to actual date format
    SELECT to_date(fe.start_date_key::text, 'YYYYMMDD') AS start_date,
    to_date(fe.withdrawal_date_key::text, 'YYYYMMDD') AS withdrawal_date,
    dp.product_name, dp.sku
    FROM fact_enrolment fe
    INNER JOIN dim_product dp ON fe.product_key = dp.product_key
SELECT date_trunc('month', month_series) AS month,
COUNT(*) AS existing_students,
    SELECT generate_series(
    (SELECT MIN(to_date(start_date_key::text, 'YYYYMMDD')) FROM fact_enrolment),'2100-12-31',INTERVAL '1 month') AS month_series) AS months
LEFT JOIN student_activity sa ON sa.start_date < month_series AND (sa.withdrawal_date IS NULL OR sa.withdrawal_date >= month_series)
GROUP BY month, sa.product_name

This query does get the existing counts correctly but I am facing an issue where if a month does not have students starting in it, then the month is not displayed at all in the result set. I need it to still display each month and if it does not have any new values to it, then it should use the previous month’s count as those students are still enrolled.

CREATE TABLE fact_enrolment (
    student_key int4 NULL,
    start_date_key int4 NULL,
    withdrawal_date_key int4 NULL,
    product_key int4 NULL);

CREATE TABLE dim_product (
    product_name varchar NULL,
    sku varchar NULL);

INSERT INTO dim_product (product_name , sku) VALUES ('Preschool' , 'ABC123');

INSERT INTO fact_enrolment (student_key, start_date_key, withdrawal_date_key, product_key) VALUES 
  (12, 20230105, 20230130, 1)
, (14, 20230106, 20230120, 1)
, (45, 20230405, 20230420, 1);
INSERT INTO fact_enrolment (student_key, start_date_key, product_key) VALUES 
  (17, 20230110, 1)
, (20, 20230120, 1)
, (21, 20230220, 1)
, (22, 20230202, 1)
, (23, 20230228, 1)
, (34, 20230206, 1)
, (44, 20230406, 1);

Calculations based on the sample given:

month adds withdrawals existing students
2023-01 4 2 4
2023-02 4 0 6
2023-03 0 0 6
2023-04 2 1 8

Assuming that the withdrawals happen at the end of the month in the above table, they are subtracted in the next month’s count.

In the example to note 2023-03 is still shown with the previous month’s count.

I am using Postgres version 13.15.



  1. You can use aggregate filter clause to count(*) different things in a single aggregated query. Window functions then let you run two stepping sums of those counts and subtract them to get current balance.
    demo at db<>fiddle

    WITH student_activity AS (
        SELECT date_trunc('month',to_date(fe.start_date_key::text, 'YYYYMMDD'))::date AS start_month
             , date_trunc('month',to_date(fe.withdrawal_date_key::text, 'YYYYMMDD'))::date AS withdrawal_month
             , dp.product_name
             , dp.sku
        FROM fact_enrolment AS fe
        JOIN dim_product AS dp 
          ON fe.product_key = dp.product_key )
    ,calendar as (
        select month::date
        from (select min(start_month) as earliest_month
                   , max(withdrawal_month) as latest_month
              from student_activity) as limits
        cross join lateral generate_series( earliest_month
                                           ,'1 month'::interval) as month)
    ,monthlies as (
        select month
             , count(*)filter(where month=start_month) as enrollments
             , count(*)filter(where month=withdrawal_month) as withdrawals
        from calendar
        left join student_activity as fe
        on month=any(array[start_month,withdrawal_month]) 
        group by month)
    select*, sum(enrollments)over w1
            -sum(withdrawals)over w1 as "existing students"
    from monthlies
    window w1 as(order by month)
    order by month;

    I’m not sure why after 10 students enrolled and 3 withdrew, you expect to be left with 8. That’s 7:

    month enrollments withdrawals existing students
    2023-01-01 4 2 2
    2023-02-01 4 0 6
    2023-03-01 0 0 6
    2023-04-01 2 1 7
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  2. You need to create "date_spine" dataset that You can use as Your main table during the joins.

    date_spine AS (
      --this will generate date spine with all months from given range
      --this will be used as main table to join as we need all months from here
          to_char(day, 'YYYY-MM') as spine_month
      FROM generate_series
              ( '2023-01-01'::timestamp, '2030-12-01'::timestamp, '1 day'::interval) day
    student_activity AS (
      --cleans data table with student activities
      --converts dates to YYYY-MM format string, which will later be used to join to data spine
        to_char(to_date(fe.start_date_key::text, 'YYYYMMDD'), 'YYYY-MM') as start_month,
        coalesce(to_char(to_date(fe.withdrawal_date_key::text, 'YYYYMMDD'), 'YYYY-MM'), '2999-12') as withdrawal_month
      FROM fact_enrolment fe
    adds AS (
      --calculates number of new students in given month
        count(*) as adds
      from student_activity
      group by start_month
    withdrawals AS (
      --calculates number of withdrawals in given month
        count(*) as withdrawals
      from student_activity
      group by withdrawal_month
    existing_students AS (
      --calculates number of 'active' students during each month of data spine
      --this assumes that if a student start and withdrawal is in same month such student will be counted as existing in given month
        count(student_activity.student_key) as existing_students,
      from date_spine
      left join student_activity 
        on date_spine.spine_month between student_activity.start_month and student_activity.withdrawal_month
      group by date_spine.spine_month
    joins AS (
      --joins data spine with adds, withdrawals and existing students
        date_spine.spine_month as month,
        coalesce(adds.adds, 0) as adds,
        coalesce(withdrawals.withdrawals, 0) as withdrawals,
        coalesce(existing_students.existing_students, 0) as existing_students
      from date_spine
      left join adds on date_spine.spine_month = adds.start_month
      left join withdrawals on date_spine.spine_month = withdrawals.withdrawal_month
      left join existing_students on date_spine.spine_month = existing_students.spine_month
    select * from joins order by month

    The result that You will get is like below:

     month  | adds | withdrawals | existing_students 
     2023-01 |    4 |           2 |                 4
     2023-02 |    4 |           0 |                 6
     2023-03 |    0 |           0 |                 6
     2023-04 |    2 |           1 |                 8
     2023-05 |    0 |           0 |                 7
     2023-06 |    0 |           0 |                 7
     2023-07 |    0 |           0 |                 7
     2023-08 |    0 |           0 |                 7
     2023-09 |    0 |           0 |                 7
     2023-10 |    0 |           0 |                 7
     2023-11 |    0 |           0 |                 7
     2023-12 |    0 |           0 |                 7
     2029-12 |    0 |           0 |                 7
     2030-01 |    0 |           0 |                 7
     2030-02 |    0 |           0 |                 7
     2030-03 |    0 |           0 |                 7
     2030-04 |    0 |           0 |                 7
     2030-05 |    0 |           0 |                 7
     2030-06 |    0 |           0 |                 7
     2030-07 |    0 |           0 |                 7
     2030-08 |    0 |           0 |                 7
     2030-09 |    0 |           0 |                 7
     2030-10 |    0 |           0 |                 7
     2030-11 |    0 |           0 |                 7
     2030-12 |    0 |           0 |                 7
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