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i have a many to many relation like a customers and orders.

 type EmployeeShiftList struct {
ID        uint
UUID      uuid.UUID  `gorm:"<-:create"`
FirstName string     `validate:"required,max=250"`
LastName  string     `validate:"omitempty,max=250"`
ShiftMaps []ShiftMap `gorm:"many2many:attendance.employee_shifts;foreignKey:ID;References:ShiftID;joinForeignKey:EmployeeID;joinReferences:ShiftID"}

  type ShiftMap struct {
    ShiftID  uint                  `gorm:"primaryKey"`
    FromDate time.Time
    ToDate   time.Time}

when i preload ShiftMaps using
db.Preload("ShiftMaps").Find(&employeeShiftList) same shift of an employee is populated more than once inside ShiftMaps struct of the customer. how can i avoid this.



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    Since my join table had additional fields FromDate and ToDate it was difficult to populate them using many to many table structure. so i simplified my structure. i created a table employee_shifts. employees

    type EmployeeShiftList struct {
        ID        uint
        UUID      uuid.UUID `gorm:"<-:create"`
        FirstName string    `validate:"required,max=250"`
        LastName  string    `validate:"omitempty,max=250"`
        EmployeeShifts []EmployeeShift `gorm:"foreignKey:EmployeeID"`
    func (EmployeeShiftList) TableName() string {
         return "employees"
    type EmployeeShift struct {
        EmployeeID uint
        ShiftID    uint
        Shift      ShiftRef `gorm:"foreignKey:ShiftID;->" json:",omitempty"`
        FromDate   time.Time
        ToDate     time.Time
    type ShiftRef struct {
        ID        uint      `gorm:"primaryKey"`
        UUID      uuid.UUID `gorm:"<-:create"`
        Name      string    `validate:"required,max=250"`
        StartTime time.Time
        EndTime   time.Time 
    var employeeShifts []employeeshift_models.EmployeeShiftList
    tx = tx.Preload("EmployeeShifts") .Preload("EmployeeShifts.Shift")
    if err := tx.Find(&employeeShifts).Error; err != nil {
        return nil, err

  2. One possible solution is to use the distinct option in GORM’s Preload to ensure that only distinct values are loaded. Here’s how you can modify your query:

    db.Preload("ShiftMaps", func(db *gorm.DB) *gorm.DB {
        return db.Distinct("shift_maps.shift_id") // Assuming ShiftID is the unique identifier in ShiftMap
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