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In PostgreSQL I have:

FROM weather_data
WHERE parameter_type = 'TEMPERATURE';

I want to write this as:

FROM weather_data
WHERE parameter_type = ParameterType;

I get error: "column "parametertype" does not exist"



  1. If you want to select from some values, rather than just creating a table and inserting into it, you can do something like:

    WITH  params (v) AS (VALUES (0), (10)) 
    SELECT * 
    FROM params ;

    This will outputs :


    To join this dataset with your current table you can do something like :

    WITH  params (v) AS (VALUES (0), (10)) 
    SELECT w.* 
    FROM weather_data w
    INNER JOIN params p on w.parameter_type = p.v
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  2. With clause is used to define named result sets or CTEs.
    In your case, the ParameterType is not accessible in the where clause.

    Try something like this.

    WITH weatherData AS (
      SELECT *
      FROM weather_data
      WHERE parameter_type = 'TEMPERATURE'
    SELECT *
    FROM weatherData
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  3. A CTE works just like a table.

    The query below is an equivalent of what you wrote and it should be obvious to you why it will not work (A table is not a valid operand for the = operator).

    SELECT *
    FROM SomeTable
    WHERE Column1 = SomeOtherTable;

    The correct approach would of course be:

    SELECT *
    FROM SomeTable
    WHERE Column1 = (SELECT Column1 FROM SomeOtherTable);

    This works only if SELECT Column1 FROM SomeOtherTable is a scalar subquery (i.e. 1 row, 1 column). If you have more than 1 row, use the IN operator:

    SELECT *
    FROM SomeTable
    WHERE Column1 IN (SELECT Column1 FROM SomeOtherTable);

    Back to your query, we want to ideally name the column of your CTE, then use it as I described above:

    WITH ParameterType(ParamValue) AS (VALUES ('TEMPERATURE'))
    SELECT *
    FROM weather_data
    WHERE parameter_type IN (SELECT ParamValue FROM ParameterType);

    Note#1: your CTE only has 1 column so naming it is optional; you could also make it work with SELECT * instead of SELECT ParamValue.
    Note#2: there are, of course, other ways to achieve the same thing, such as INNER JOIN, EXISTS (SELECT ...), etc. Such ways could be convenient for a CTE with more than 1 column.

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  4. You don’t need the cte at all: demo at db<>fiddle

    SELECT *
    FROM weather_data,(VALUES ('TEMPERATURE'))_(ParameterType)
    WHERE parameter_type = ParameterType;

    This spawns a single-value table the same way and joins it with your table the same way.

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