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I have 3 UPDATE statements (that update more than one column) that I would like to execute against a list of id’s without having to run the 3 update statements once by one against each id.

Here are the 3 update statements I need to run against a bunch of ids:

-- store ContractDate value in temp col
update tval set temp_col = (select val from tval where id = 402280209 and fid = 3782) where id = 402280209 and fid = 3782

-- Replace ContractDate with maturityDate
update tval set val= (select val from tval where fid = 3771 and id = 402280209) where fid = 3782 and id = 402280209

-- set MaturityDate to ContactDate
update tval set val = (select temp_col from tval where id = 402280209 and fid = 3782) where id = 402280209 and fid = 3771

I have a list of id‘s that I need to run the above 3 update statement against. Is it possible to run the above as a batch (i.e. in one query)?

For reference my tval table looks something like this:

    id       fid              ts                      val                 temp_col
402280209   3765    2021-09-20 00:00:00.000   2023-12-19 00:00:00.000   
402280209   3771    2021-09-20 00:00:00.000   2023-09-20 00:00:00.000   
402280209   3782    2021-09-20 00:00:00.000   2023-12-19 00:00:00.000   

What I am trying to avoid is running the above manually for each id.



  1. You can do

    update tval
    set temp_col = val,
        val= (select val from tval where fid = 3771 and id = 402280209)
    where fid = 3782 and id = 402280209

    that is, use the set keyword and then comma-separate what you actually want to set.

    Your algorithm seems to indicate that you want to store a value in a temporary column and then override your value and then copy back your temporary column. I would do the latest update in a separate query.


    Trying to update field of the first record and vice versa seems to work according to this example:

    create table tbl(id int, val int);
    insert into tbl(id, val)
    values(1, 1),
          (2, 2);
    update tbl
    set val = t2.val
    from tbl t2
    where in (1, 2) and in (1, 2) and <>;

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  2. In Postgres, as with most other DBMSs apart from MySQL and MariaDB, you don’t need an intermediate column. The left- and right-hand sides are evaluated independently, rather than in top-down order.

    update tval
    set ContractDate = maturityDate,
        maturityDate = ContractDate
    where id = 402280209
      and fid in (3765, 3771, 3782);

    If you have multiple id, fid pairs as well, then you can use a joined update, either on a real table or a constructed VALUES table. In Postgres the syntax is like this (note that tval is not present in the FROM).

    update tval
    set ContractDate = maturityDate,
        maturityDate = ContractDate
    from (values
        (402280208, 3765),
        (402280209, 3771),
        (402280210, 3782)
    ) v(id, fid)
    where = and v.fid = tval.fid;


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  3. It looks to me that your true goal is to swap val values for the fids 3771 and 3782. If that is so, you don’t need temp_col at all.

    If you are on PostgreSQL ver 15 or later, you can use the MERGE sql statement. Otherwise, you can do the same thing with UPDATE…FROM. Major idea #1 is to design a query that contains the table keys and values you desire. Major idea #2 is to add a defensive mechanism in case one of the fid records does not exist. Your current triple update would mess up badly if one row were missing.

    The Merge statement would be:

    Merge into tval u Using (
        Select id, Case When fid=3771 Then 3782 Else 3771 End as fid
          , val, count(*) Over () as nbr
        From tval
        Where id=402280209 and fid in (3771,3782)
    ) v On and u.fid=v.fid and v.nbr=2
    When Matched Update Set val=v.val

    The older Update syntax would be

    Update tval u From ( <same query as above> ) v
        Where <same criteria as above>
    Set val=v.val
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