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I have an entity with specific fields, each of which is mapped to columns in a postgres database. I am using a JpaRepository to persist my entity. I have one column, called info, that can be arbitrary json, and is stored in a column of type JSON.

I have tried using the data types JSONObject from simple json library and JsonNode from jackson, but they are unable to be mapped to a proper JDBC type.

Is there a correct way to map arbitary json to postgres json column? I can change the datatype of info, but not of the database column.

The error I usually see is

 Error creating bean with name 'entityManagerFactory' defined in class path resource [org/springframework/boot/autoconfigure/orm/jpa/HibernateJpaConfiguration.class]: Could not determine recommended JdbcType for `com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode`


I found a workaround converting between JsonNode and String, as seen here

  @Column(name = "info", columnDefinition = "JSON")
  private String infoString;

  @Schema(example = "{}", description = "additional information")
  private JsonNode info;

  private void infoToInfoString() {
    infoString = info.toString();

  private void infoStringToInfo() throws JsonProcessingException {
    info = objectMapper.readTree(infoString);



  1. Mapping arbitrary JSON fields to a JSON column in PostgreSQL using JPA repositories can be a bit tricky due to the dynamic and unstructured nature of JSON data.

    1. Define your Entity Class
    2. Create a Converter: You need to define a converter that converts between your Java type (JsonNode) and the database type (JSON).
    3. Use JPA Repository: You can now use your JpaRepository to persist and retrieve entities containing arbitrary JSON data
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  2. You can use a converter as mentioned. Here’s a sample implementation which should work.

    public class InfoEntity {
      @Convert(converter = InfoAttributeConverter.class)
      @Column(name = "info", columnDefinition = "JSON")
      private Map<String, String> infoString;
    @Converter(autoApply =true)
    public class InfoAttributeConverter {
    // you can use Jackson object mapper here
    private final ObjectMapper objectMapper;
       // This coverts the Java Map to json key value pair before saving
       public String convertToDatabaseColumn(Map infoAttributes) {
         return objectMapper.writeValueAsString(infoAttributes)
        // This converts the json data in column to Map
        public Map<String, String> convertToEntityAttribute(String dbData) {
         return objectMapper.readValue(dbData, new TypeReference<HashMap<String, String>>() {});
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