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I have a setup for my NestJS application in which I am using typeorm with a PostgreSQL database. In the setup, I am using repository mode to query the database. Now I want to use database transactions with my queries, but I am not able to use transactions because I am using one transaction with multiple queries from different repositories, and a transaction uses an entity manager, which has to be used to query the database in order to access the same transaction for all the queries in the scope.

Entity One

export class EntityOneService extends BaseService<EntityOne> {
  repository: Repository<EntityOne>;
  constructor(private connection: Connection) {
    this.repository = this.connection.getRepository(EntityOne);

Entity Two

import { Injectable } from '@nestjs/common';
import { Connection, Repository } from 'typeorm';

import { EntityTwo } from '../entities/lesson.entity';
import { BaseService } from './baseService/base-service.service';

export class EntityTwoService extends BaseService<EntityTwo> {
  repository: Repository<EntityTwo>;
  constructor(private connection: Connection) {
    this.repository = this.connection.getRepository(EntityTwo);

This is how to initialize the repository from a database table. Now I want to query the database using transaction in repository mode.

const entityOne = await this.entityOneService.find()
const entityTwo = await this.entityTwoService.find()

I want to query both with the same transaction. I have user sequelize before typeorm, and in sequelize there is a method named transaction which can used as follows.

this.sequelize.transaction(async transaction => {
    const entityOne = await this.entityOneService.findAll({transaction})
    const entityTwo = await this.entityTwoService.findAll({transaction})

I want to do something like that in typeorm, if possible how can I implement it?



  1. Transactions

    • Creating and using transactions
    • Using QueryRunner to create and control state of single database connection

    Creating and using transactions

    Transactions are created using DataSource or EntityManager.

    await myDataSource.transaction(async (transactionalEntityManager) => {
      // execute queries using transactionalEntityManager


    await myDataSource.manager.transaction(async (transactionalEntityManager) => {
      // execute queries using transactionalEntityManager

    Everything you want to run in a transaction must be executed in a callback:

    await myDataSource.manager.transaction(async (transactionalEntityManager) => {
      // ...

    Using QueryRunner to create and control state of single database connection

    QueryRunner provides a single database connection.
    Transactions are organized using query runners.
    Single transactions can only be established on a single query runner.
    You can manually create a query runner instance and use it to manually control transaction state.

    // create a new query runner
    const queryRunner = dataSource.createQueryRunner();
    // establish real database connection using our new query runner
    await queryRunner.connect();
    // now we can execute any queries on a query runner, for example:
    await queryRunner.query("SELECT * FROM users");
    // we can also access entity manager that works with connection created by a query runner:
    const users = await queryRunner.manager.find(User);
    // lets now open a new transaction:
    await queryRunner.startTransaction();
    try {
      // execute some operations on this transaction:
      // commit transaction now:
      await queryRunner.commitTransaction();
    } catch (err) {
      // since we have errors let's rollback changes we made
      await queryRunner.rollbackTransaction();
    } finally {
      // you need to release query runner which is manually created:
      await queryRunner.release();

    There are 3 methods to control transactions in QueryRunner:

    • startTransaction – starts a new transaction inside the query runner instance.
    • commitTransaction – commits all changes made using the query runner instance.
    • rollbackTransaction – rolls all changes made using the query runner instance back.


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  2. I think this is an example for a solution with multiple repositories.

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