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I have a table like this:

id | date
1  | 2023-10-07
2  | 2023-10-08
3  | 2023-10-14

and I want to get the record count up to the current record where the date is less than Sunday of the current record. So I want the output to look like this:

week_number | count
2           | 2
3           | 3

I tried different approaches, but the result is a counter for entries within the week. It’s as if he doesn’t look at all records before the current one, but only at those that are in the same week.

WITH weekly AS (
        get_week_number(date::DATE) AS week_number,
        COUNT(*) AS count
        date <= date_trunc('week', date)::date + INTERVAL '6 days'

    week_number, count
        JOIN weekly ON get_week_number(date::DATE) = weekly.week_number
    date <= date_trunc('week', date)::date + INTERVAL '6 days'
    week_number, count



  1. You’re probably looking for window functions. Demo at db<>fiddle

    select id, 
           extract(week from date) AS week_number,
           count(*)over(order by date) AS count
    from inventory order by id;
    id date week_number count
    1 2023-10-07 40 1
    2 2023-10-08 40 2
    3 2023-10-14 41 3
    select week_number, 
           sum(count)over(order by week_number) 
    from( select extract(week from date::DATE) AS week_number,
                 count(*) AS count
           from inventory
           group by week_number) AS subquery;
    week_number sum
    40 2
    41 3

    Default window frame clause is RANGE BETWEEN UNBOUNDED PRECEDING AND CURRENT ROW, meaning count()over() is going to get the record count up to the current record the way you wanted.

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  2. This computes

    the record count up to the current record where the date is less than Sunday of the current record

    SELECT *
         , extract(week FROM date + 1) AS week_nr  -- fix off-by-1
         , count(*) OVER (ORDER BY date_bin('7 days', date, timestamp '2023-1-1')
                          RANGE BETWEEN UNBOUNDED PRECEDING AND '1 day' PRECEDING) AS count_til_last_week
    FROM   inventory;

    I assume by "Sunday of the current record" you mean weeks starting on Sunday. ISO weeks start on Monday. date_trunc() truncates weeks accordingly. Use date_bin() to "truncate" to Sunday. See:

    Add a day to your date before extracting the week number to fix the same off-by-1 error. (There may be corner-case issues around the turn of the year.)

    To get the count of rows with a "date is less than Sunday of the current record", you have to stop the count at "last week". RANGE BETWEEN UNBOUNDED PRECEDING AND '1 day' PRECEDING achieves that, after reducing every date to the Sunday of the week.
    Details in the manual about window functions.

    To aggregate per week:

    SELECT extract(year FROM sun) AS year
         , extract(week FROM sun + interval '1 day') AS week_number
         , sum(row_count) OVER (ORDER BY sun
                                ROWS BETWEEN UNBOUNDED PRECEDING AND 1 PRECEDING) AS count_til_last_week
    FROM  (
       SELECT date_bin('7 days', date, timestamp '2023-1-1') AS sun
            , count(*) AS row_count
       FROM   inventory
       GROUP  BY 1
       ) sub;

    Note that a week number without year results in confusing or wrong aggregations quickly. So I based counts on full dates and display the year additionally. (No off-by-1 there.)


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