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I know that you can use = DEFAULT in UPDATE statements, e.g.

UPDATE my_table
SET some_column = DEFAULT
WHERE id = 1;

Is it possible to look for defaults in a SELECT statement? e.g.

SELECT id FROM my_table
WHERE some_column = DEFAULT;

That specific syntax gives the error "DEFAULT is not allowed in this context."



  1. No, you cannot do that, and since a column’s DEFAULT value can be an expression, it would be difficult to fake.

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  2. This answer shows how to get the DEFAULT value stored in the information_schema.

    The problem is that the default value is stored as text, so you see e.g. a string 'hello'::text which is difficult to compare with the column value.

    Anyway you may use a trick using a helper table illustrated below.

    Create table

    create table mytable (
    id int ,
    col text default 'hello',
    col2 int default 1,
    col3 int

    and put some data in it

    insert into mytable(id) values(1);
    insert into mytable(id,col,col2,col3) values(2,'x',3,10);

    now create a clone table (like) and insert one row with DEFAULT values

    drop table get_default;
    create table get_default ( like mytable including all);
    insert into get_default DEFAULT VALUES;

    query is trivial only you must hanle the case of null default value in extra OR predicate

    select * from   mytable
    where col3 = (select col3 from get_default) or
    col3 is null and (select col3 from get_default) is null;
    id|col  |col2|col3|
     1|hello|   1|    |
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