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|         Column A         |
      character varying[]
| ------------------------ | 
| {value1,value2,value3}   | 

Tried with select * from some_table where columnA LIKE '%value1%‘ but it returns error.

Then tried filtering expected value by using select columnA from some_table but now it returns nothing.



  1. Unnest columnA array and check if the target value (value11 in the example below) exists. t CTE is a mimic of the real table.

    with t(columna) as (
    select * from t 
    where exists (select from unnest(columna) el where el = 'value11');
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  2. You should to use = ANY(array) predicate

    (2024-07-23 06:59:40) postgres=# select * from foo;
    │             a             │
    │ {value1,value2,value3}    │
    │ {value10,value20,value30} │
    (2 rows)
    (2024-07-23 06:59:55) postgres=# select * from foo where 'value1' = any(a);
    │           a            │
    │ {value1,value2,value3} │
    (1 row)

    See related doc

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  3. If you want to use indexes, you’d query like this:

    SELECT ...
    FROM some_table
    WHERE columna @> ARRAY['value1];

    The index would be

    CREATE INDEX ON some_table USING gin (columna);
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