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I have a table in Postgres with an hstore column like:

"surface => concrete, ramp => yes, incline => up, highway => footway"
"surface => asphalt, lit => no, source => survey, incline => 12.6%, highway => footway"
"bicycle => yes, surface => asphalt, highway => footway, segregated => no"

Now I would like to analyse the keys among themselves. Therefore I want to know for the whole dataset how often the keys occur in combination pairwise.

The result should look something like this:

|      Key 1          |     Key 2        |       Count      |
|      surface        |    source        |         1        |
|      surface        |    highway       |         3        |
|      surface        |    incline       |         2        |
|      highway        |    bicycle       |         1        |



  1. Use hstore’s each() to expand it out, then join and aggregate:

    with expand as (
      select id, k, v
        from htab 
             cross join lateral each(hcol) as c(k, v)
    ), pairings as (
      select, t1.k as key1, t2.k as key2
        from expand t1
             join expand t2
                on =
               and t2.k < t1.k
    select key1, key2, count(*)
      from pairings
     group by key1, key2
     order by key1 desc, key2 desc;


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  2. Use the function akeys() to get all keys of the hstore column as an array, generate all distinct pairs of the arrays elements with generate_subscripts() and group the result by the pairs:

    select akeys[i] as key1, akeys[j] as key2, count(*)
    from my_table
    cross join akeys(hstore_col)
    cross join generate_subscripts(akeys, 1) as i
    cross join generate_subscripts(akeys, 1) as j
    where akeys[i] > akeys[j]
    group by 1, 2
    order by 1 desc, 2 desc

    Test it in db<>fidlle.

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