I have a table myuser with two columns (id serial primary, username varchar(20) unique not null). I am trying to make a Tkinter gui that takes "username" from a form and inserts it in the postgres table myuser.
I want to generate a warning when "username" field is left empty (or any other invalid requests) in the gui. How to do that ? Could not find any suitable answers in psycopg error lists.
I tried the following, but if I keep the username field in the gui empty, I don’t see any warning, and the program runs without error. I expected to see a warning with this if condition.
Also, if there are other types of invalidity (> 20 characters), my solution would not work. So, what would be the best way for doing this ?
name = namefield.get()
c.execute('''INSERT INTO myuser (username)
VALUES (%s)''', (name,)
if name == None:
print('Please insert a valid username')
except psycopg2.IntegrityError:
Many thanks for your help!
Go with the checks on backend side. Check for null value for username and show a proper prompt.
Something like this:
just to check 2 cases in python and then try to execute sql query.