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I need to update jsonb column by jsonb_set, to use jsonb_set, need a full Json Path. How could I get full jsonb path when jsonb has list?

For example, I got a JSON :

  "Laptop": {
    "brand": "Dell",
    "price": 1200,
    "specs": [
        "name": "CPU",
        "Brand": "Intel"
        "name": "GPU",
        "Brand": "Nvdia"
        "name": "RAM",
        "Brand": "Kingston"

I need some query like

SELECT <full_path> 
  FROM table 
 WHERE jsonb_path_query_first(col,"$.Laptop.specs[*].name")::text='"CPU"'`;

I need a full path that matches the query above
the return could be

$.Laptop.specs[0].name or even better {Laptop,specs,0,name}

Is there any way to achieve this in Postgres?



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    In my case, for anyone facing the same problem, my current solution would be

        json_data as (
            SELECT '{"Laptop": {"brand": "Dell", "price": 1200, "specs": [{"name": "CPU", "Brand": "Intel"}, {"name": "GPU", "Brand": "Nvdia"}, {"name": "RAM", "Brand": "Kingston"}]}}'::jsonb AS col
        found_match as (select ARRAY ['Laptop','specs',(ref.ord1 - 1)::text,'Brand'] as path
                         from json_data
                                  join LATERAL jsonb_array_elements(json_data-> 'Laptop' -> 'specs' ) with ordinality as ref(v, ord1)
                                       on true and ref.v ->> 'name' = 'CPU')
    update <table> set json_data=jsonb_set(<table>.<col>,fm.path, cast ('AMD' as jsonb))
    from found_match fm where <table>;

  2. Based on my understanding you need the index of the path? let me know

    WITH json_data AS (
        SELECT '{"Laptop": {"brand": "Dell", "price": 1200, "specs": [{"name": "CPU", "Brand": "Intel"}, {"name": "GPU", "Brand": "Nvdia"}, {"name": "RAM", "Brand": "Kingston"}]}}'::jsonb AS col
        CONCAT('$.Laptop.specs[', idx - 1, '].name') AS full_json_path
        LATERAL jsonb_array_elements(col->'Laptop'->'specs') WITH ORDINALITY arr(elem, idx)
        elem->>'name' = 'CPU';


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