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I’m building a language learning platform, here are some tables:

create table users
    id                  bigserial primary key,

create table users_languages
    id                   bigserial primary key,
    user_id              bigint    not null
        constraint users_languages_user_id_foreign references users,
    level                varchar(255)         not null,
    lang_code            varchar(10)          not null,

So the users_languages keeps all the langs a user knows, level could be NATIVE or LEARN, lang_code is the ISO code.

I’m building a recommended search feature for a current user, depending on the languages he knows, so the result must be ordered by the following rules:

  1. other user NATIVE lang = current user LEARN lang AND other user LEARN lang = current user NATIVE lang
  2. other user NATIVE lang = current user LEARN lang
  3. other user has at least one of current user langs

Here is what I figured out so far:

           nativeCode := current user native lang_code
           langCodes := current user learn lang_codes

            WITH user_lang_priority AS NOT MATERIALIZED (
                SELECT l.user_id, MIN(CASE 
                    WHEN l.level = 'NATIVE' AND l.lang_code IN(:langCodes) THEN
                        WHEN EXISTS (
                           SELECT FROM users_languages ll
                           WHERE ll.level != 'NATIVE'
                           AND ll.lang_code = :nativeCode
                           AND ll.user_id = l.user_id
                        ) THEN 1 ELSE 2
                    WHEN l.lang_code IN(:langCodes) THEN 3
                END) AS priority
                FROM users_languages l
                GROUP BY l.user_id
            SELECT u.*
            FROM users u
            INNER JOIN user_lang_priority lp ON = lp.user_id
            GROUP BY
            ORDER BY lp.priority ASC, DESC

The query seems to be returning the correct results, but it takes up to 2 seconds on a table with about 30k rows. Is there a way to speed it up?

UPD: the query plan

Sort  (cost=777435.38..777508.24 rows=29145 width=762)
"  Sort Key: (min(CASE WHEN (((l.level)::text = 'NATIVE'::text) AND ((l.lang_code)::text = ANY ('{fin,fre,ger}'::text[]))) THEN CASE WHEN (hashed SubPlan 2) THEN 1 ELSE 2 END WHEN ((l.lang_code)::text = ANY ('{rus,fre,ger}'::text[])) THEN 3 ELSE NULL::integer END)), DESC"
  ->  Hash Join  (cost=1677.14..775274.14 rows=29145 width=762)
        Hash Cond: (l.user_id =
        ->  GroupAggregate  (cost=0.29..773229.32 rows=29145 width=12)
              Group Key: l.user_id
              ->  Index Scan using users_languages_user_id_index on users_languages l  (cost=0.29..3005.29 rows=84970 width=19)
              SubPlan 2
                ->  Bitmap Heap Scan on users_languages ll  (cost=299.15..1487.36 rows=14990 width=8)
                      Recheck Cond: ((lang_code)::text = 'eng'::text)
                      Filter: ((level)::text <> 'NATIVE'::text)
                      ->  Bitmap Index Scan on users_languages_lang_code_index  (cost=0.00..295.40 rows=22814 width=0)
                            Index Cond: ((lang_code)::text = 'eng'::text)
        ->  Hash  (cost=1253.60..1253.60 rows=33860 width=758)
              ->  Seq Scan on users u  (cost=0.00..1253.60 rows=33860 width=758)



  1. Consider creating indexes on the following columns:

    1. users_languages.user_id: This should improve the join operation with the users table.
    2. users_languages.level: To optimise the CASE statements.
    3. users_languages.lang_code: to optimise the filtering operation and CASE statements.

    After creating these indexes, re-run your query and check the performance. You can update the statistics using the ANALYZE command:

    ANALYZE users_languages;
    ANALYZE users;

    Lastly, if the users_languages table is very large and this query is frequently executed, you might consider using a materialized view to precompute the results.

    -- Create the Materialized View
    CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW user_lang_priority_mv AS
    SELECT l.user_id, MIN(CASE 
       WHEN l.level = 'NATIVE' AND l.lang_code IN(:langCodes) THEN
           WHEN EXISTS (
              SELECT FROM users_languages ll
              WHERE ll.level != 'NATIVE'
              AND ll.lang_code = :nativeCode
              AND ll.user_id = l.user_id
           ) THEN 1 ELSE 2
       WHEN l.lang_code IN(:langCodes) THEN 3
    END) AS priority
    FROM users_languages l
    GROUP BY l.user_id;
    -- Create Index on the Materialized View to further enhance performance.
    CREATE INDEX user_lang_priority_mv_idx ON user_lang_priority_mv (user_id, priority);

    Depending on how frequently the underlying data changes, you’ll need to schedule regular refreshes of the materialized view.

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  2. try following query(view):

    CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW user_lang_priority AS
    SELECT l.user_id, MIN(CASE 
        WHEN l.level = 'NATIVE' AND l.lang_code IN (:langCodes) THEN
                WHEN EXISTS (
                    SELECT FROM users_languages ll
                    WHERE ll.level != 'NATIVE'
                    AND ll.lang_code = :nativeCode
                    AND ll.user_id = l.user_id
                ) THEN 1 ELSE 2
        WHEN l.lang_code IN (:langCodes) THEN 3
    END) AS priority
    FROM users_languages l
    GROUP BY l.user_id;
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  3. If you need search for current user, possible simple query. Here one join and one groupping. I think, they are well supported by indexes.

    with current_user_languages as(
      select * from users_languages l
      where user_id=1 -- this is current user Id
    ,cul_intersects as(
    select cul.user_id user1, cul.level level1,cul.lang_code code1
      ,l2.user_id user2, l2.level level2,l2.lang_code code2
    from current_user_languages cul
    left join users_languages l2 
       on l2.lang_code=cul.lang_code and cul.user_id<>l2.user_id
    ,priorities as(
    select user1,user2
      ,case when sum(case when level1='LEARN' and level2='NATIVE' then 1 else 0 end)>0 
     and sum(case when level1='NATIVE' and level2='LEARN' then 1 else 0 end)>0 then 1
           when sum(case when level2='NATIVE' and level1='LEARN' then 1 else 0 end)>0 then 2
           when count(*)>0 then 3
       end priority
      ,sum(case when level1='LEARN' and level2='NATIVE' then 1 else 0 end) priority1_1
      ,sum(case when level2='LEARN' and level1='NATIVE' then 1 else 0 end) priority1_2
      ,sum(case when level2='NATIVE' and level1='LEARN' then 1 else 0 end) priority2
      ,count(*) totalIntersect
    from cul_intersects
    group by user1,user2
    select user1,user2, priority,priority1,priority2,totalintersect,username 
    from priorities p
    inner join users u on
    order by user1,user2

    For test data

    insert into users values
    insert into users_languages values

    Draft result is

    user1 user2 priority priority1 priority2 totalintersect username
    1 2 1 1 1 2 User2
    1 5 3 0 0 1 User5

    Query for all users

    with all_intersects as(
    select l1.user_id user1, l1.level level1,l1.lang_code code1
      ,l2.user_id user2, l2.level level2,l2.lang_code code2
    from users_languages l1
    left join users_languages l2 on l2.lang_code=l1.lang_code and l1.user_id<>l2.user_id
    ,priorities as(
    select user1,user2
      ,case when sum(case when level1='LEARN' and level2='NATIVE' then 1 else 0 end)>0 
    and sum(case when level1='NATIVE' and level2='LEARN' then 1 else 0 end)>0 then 1
           when sum(case when level2='NATIVE' and level1='LEARN' then 1 else 0 end)>0 then 2
           when count(*)>0 then 3
       end priority
      -- this is for clearity
      ,sum(case when level1='LEARN' and level2='NATIVE' then 1 else 0 end) priority1_1
      ,sum(case when level2='LEARN' and level1='NATIVE' then 1 else 0 end) priority1_2
      ,sum(case when level2='NATIVE' and level1='LEARN' then 1 else 0 end) priority2
      ,count(*) totalIntersect
    from all_intersects
    group by user1,user2
    select user1,user2, priority,priority1,priority2,totalintersect,username 
    from priorities p
    inner join users u on
    order by user1,user2


    user1 user2 priority priority1_1 priority1_2 priority2 totalintersect username
    1 2 1 1 1 1 2 User2
    1 5 3 0 0 0 1 User5
    2 1 1 1 1 1 2 User1
    2 3 2 1 0 1 1 User3
    2 5 3 0 1 0 2 User5
    3 2 3 0 1 0 1 User2
    3 5 3 0 1 0 1 User5
    4 5 3 0 0 0 1 User5
    5 1 3 0 0 0 1 User1
    5 2 2 1 0 1 2 User2
    5 3 2 1 0 1 1 User3
    5 4 3 0 0 0 1 User4

    fiddle here

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