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I’m trying to retreive some specific data from a json stored in my database.

Here is my fidle :

An exemple of a json string :


In this case I need to retreive the value of Registred which is 123456789

Here is the request I tried to retreive first all value:

SELECT CAST(data AS jsonb)::json->>'complexProperties'->'properties' AS Registred FROM jsontesting

Query Error: error: operator does not exist: text -> unknown



  1. You can use a JSON Path expression:

    select jsonb_path_query_first(data, '$.complexProperties[*].properties ? (@.key == "Registred").Value')
    from jsontesting;

    This returns a jsonb value. If you need to convert that to a text value, use jsonb_path_query_first(...) #>> '{}'

    Online example

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  2. An alternative that first flattens the JSON field (the arrj subquery) and then performs an old-school select. Using your jsontesting table –

    select (j -> 'properties' ->> 'Value') 
     select json_array_elements(data::json -> 'complexProperties') as j 
     from jsontesting
    ) as arrj
    where j -> 'properties' ->> 'key' = 'Registred';

    Online example

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