I have a table which contains approximately 100,000 records, I did a SELECT to obtain the total number of records because it can vary, I need to consult the table and obtain all the records of 4 specific fields(nombre, apellido, puesto) but since it contains a lot of information it takes too long,
I am thinking of doing it in parts, that is making a SELECT that brings me only 10 000 records and with a FOR iterates until reaching the maximum number of records that the table has and at the same time these records are stored in a list since after obtaining these records I need to insert them into another table.
this is my code but it doesn’t do anything.
I’m not sure if the for is done correctly, what I want to do is for the select to be performed until the maximum number of records is reached, and for the data to be saved in the Employees type list
Could someone correct me or tell me how the FOR should look like to obtain the 100,000 records and have them stored in the list?
public class TestConnect {
List<Empleados> empleadoList;
public static void main(String[] args) throws SQLException {
TestConnect test = new TestConnect();
//metodo para traer los datos de la tabla empleados
public void read() {
String user = "postgres";
String pss = "admin123";
empleadoList = new ArrayList<>();
Empleados empleado = null;
ResultSet result = null;
PreparedStatement stm = null;
Connection connect = null;
try {
connect = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/bd_test", user, pss);
PreparedStatement stmCount = connect.prepareStatement("SELECT COUNT(*) from empleados");
ResultSet resultCount = stmCount.executeQuery();
int records = 0;
while (resultCount.next()) {
records = resultCount.getInt(1);
System.out.println(" RECORDS " + records);
for (int i = 0; i <= records; i += 10000) {
stm = connect.prepareStatement("SELECT * FROM empleados limit 10000");
result = stm.executeQuery();
while (result.next()) {
empleado = new Empleados();
} catch (SQLException ex) {
} finally {
try {
} catch (SQLException ex) {
Create a Postgres View
it will return only those 4 columns.
you don’t need
for statement
in that case.call the view using
Something like this. To use a proper connection pool you would need to create a
with something like Hikari Connectionpool and reuse that in places you need DB access.