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Working with jsonb and Postgres I’m running into the following problem:

My output looks like this: [ {columnName: {}}, { columnName: {} } ]
But I would like it to look like this: [ {}, {} ]

I want to put all of the objects in a jsonb array, but without the column names being added.

Here is the basic query, which can be seen in this fiddle:!17/b701b8/2

I’ve noticed that when using array_agg(), the column names are not added, but with JSON they do get added. How to remove the column names so that I can get the desired output using JSON?

select json_agg(v)
from (
  select json_build_object('pos',pos, 'type',type, 'color',color)
  from (select * from images)a
  union all 
  select json_build_object('pos',pos, 'type',type, 'value',value)
  from (select * from letters)b



  1. Aggregate the column instead of the whole row:

    SELECT json_agg(v.image) AS images
    FROM  (
       SELECT json_build_object('pos',pos, 'type',type, 'color',color) AS image  -- !
       FROM   images i -- simpler
       UNION ALL
       SELECT json_build_object('pos',pos, 'type',type, 'value',value)
       FROM   letters l  -- simpler
       ) v;

    Notably, your query produces json, not jsonb.
    Simpler while nesting whole rows:

    SELECT json_agg(v.image) AS images
    FROM  (   
       SELECT to_json(i) AS image
       FROM   images i
       UNION ALL
       SELECT to_json(l)
       FROM   letters l
       ) v;

    Similar for jsonb (where whitepace is a non-issue)

    SELECT jsonb_agg(v.image) AS images
    FROM  (   
       SELECT to_jsonb(i) AS image
       FROM   images i
       UNION ALL
       SELECT to_jsonb(l)
       FROM   letters l
       ) v;



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  2. If column types really match between these two tables, you can shorten the query by labelling the rows and building your jsonb right where you aggregate: demo at db<>fiddle

    select jsonb_agg(jsonb_build_object('pos',pos,'type',type,label,color_or_value))
    from (select pos, type,'color' as "label",color as "color_or_value" from images
          union all 
          select pos, type,'value' as "label",value from letters )v;
    [{"pos": 0, "type": "image", "color": "red"}, {"pos": 1, "type": "image", "color": "blue"}, {"pos": 2, "type": "text", "value": "book"}]
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