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In python I have a list of tuples

Each tuple has four fields, the first field is the row identifier that would be used in a where clause in a SQL update statement.

tuple: (id, status, department, manager_email)

update_tuple_list = [
 (1, 'ACTIVE', 'UC563', '[email protected]'),
 (2, 'ACTIVE', 'UC921', '[email protected]'),
 (3, 'DISABLED', 'UC983', '[email protected]'),

Using Python 3, psycopg ver 3.1.8

How would I do a bulk update?

For table user, the statement would be:

update user set
    status = %s,
    department = %s,
    manager_email = %s
    where id  %s;   # where the value of 'id' is the first field in the tuple.

I can rearrange the tuple to put the row id id at the end of the tuple if that would help.

How do I feed the example list of tuples to a statement like the above and do a single bulk update?

Is there a better more understandable way to do this using Python 3 | psycopg Ver 3.1.8 (NOT psycopg2)

I have seen stack overflow answers involving psycopg2 and I simply do not understand the response or the solution provided there, and also I am not using psycopg2. It’s just not clear.

It’s very simple with a bulk insert because there is no where clause’. With a bulk update, there is a where clause to identify the row that is being updated.

I have searched on this and tried to find a simple solution using the latest python version and library version, and nothing comes up.

Any and all help to solve this would be greatly appreciated.



  1. Maybe it depends what exactly you require from a "bulk update". If you’d just like everything to happen in one transaction, I think you might be good with something like this (untested!).

    import psycopg
    update_tuple_list = [
     (1, 'ACTIVE', 'UC563', '[email protected]'),
     (2, 'ACTIVE', 'UC921', '[email protected]'),
     (3, 'DISABLED', 'UC983', '[email protected]'),
    with psycopg.connect(dbname="yourdb", ...) as conn:
        # Open a cursor to perform database operations
        with conn.cursor() as cur:
            for (id, status, department, manager_email) in update_tuple_list:
                    update user set
                    status = %s,
                    department = %s,
                    manager_email = %s
                    where id  %s;
                    (status, department, manager_email, id)
        # Commit everything at the end
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  2. d animals
                            Table "public.animals"
       Column   |          Type          | Collation | Nullable | Default 
     pk_animals | integer                |           | not null | 
     cond       | character varying(200) |           | not null | 
     animal     | character varying(200) |           | not null | 
    select * from animals where pk_animals in (3, 16);
     pk_animals | cond  | animal  
             16 | fair  | heron
              3 | good  | mole
    import psycopg
    con = psycopg.connect("dbname=test host=localhost  user=postgres")
    cur = con.cursor()
    a_list = [('horse', 'fair', 16), ('lion', 'good', 3)]
    cur.executemany('update animals set (animal, cond) = (%s, %s) where pk_animals = %s', a_list)
    select * from animals where pk_animals in (3, 16);
     pk_animals | cond | animal 
             16 | fair | horse
              3 | good | lion
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