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I have a schema like this one:

create table users (

  id bigint primary key generated always as identity,
  name text not null


create table feature (

  id bigint primary key generated always as identity,
  value text not null check (value != '')


create unique index ux1 on feature(value);

-- link table
create table user_feature (

  id bigint generated always as identity,
  user_id bigint not null references users(id),
  feature_id bigint not null references feature(id)

create unique index ux2 on user_feature(user_id, feature_id);

-- feature values
insert into feature (value) values ('A'), ('B'), ('C'), ('D');

So an user can have 0 or more features, he can have just one type of same feature but I would like add some logic/conditions between the features that an user can have.

For example let’s say feature B and C are incompatibles, so user can have none of them, B or C but not both, not B and C together.

What is, if there is, a proper way to do this ?

I was reading and if am not wrong the only option is a trigger right (on insert / update)?
I am not used to triggers, if someone can at least gives an example.

I am using version 14.

Thanks for the help.



  1. Yes you definitely need to enforce such behavior with triggers. Here is some example code for checking that a user cannot have feature B and C:

    CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION check_feature_compatibility() RETURNS     TRIGGER AS $$
    -- Check for conflicting features B and C
    IF NEW.feature_id IN (SELECT id FROM feature WHERE value IN ('B', 'C')) THEN
        IF EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM user_feature WHERE user_id = NEW.user_id 
               AND feature_id IN (SELECT id FROM feature WHERE value IN ('B', 'C'))
               AND id != THEN
                   RAISE EXCEPTION 'User cannot have both feature B and C';
       END IF;
    END IF;
    $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
    CREATE TRIGGER user_feature_check BEFORE INSERT OR UPDATE ON user_feature
    FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE FUNCTION check_feature_compatibility();


    When updating a user with this data:


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  2. I would avoid triggers. If two users insert values B and C in separate transactions, your trigger won’t catch it since each session will see only the value it inserted.

    You can use a unique index with a case expression instead:

    create unique index u3 on user_feature(user_id, 
                                           (case when feature_id in (2 /* B */, 3 /* C */) then 1 
                                                 else null 

    This unique index

    • ignores any feature that is not B or C (provided that B has ID 2 and C has ID 3)
    • prevents insertion of B and C for the same user (since they are mapped to the same value in the CASE expression

    However, this approach is somewhat limited:

    • your features need to adhere to an equivalence relation, i.e. if B and C are disallowed and C and D are disallowed, then B and D must be disallowed, as well
    • your primary keys must be know at constraint creation time (I’d forego the generated as identity in that case and provide the PK values explicitly)

    SQL Fiddle

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