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I’m trying to figure out a way to reason about a fairly simple problem:

A table foo has two columns, id with unique identifiers, and value with a random numeric value. Given a constant threshold value, find the groups of values where their value is within that threshold – the count of that group, and the group’s average value.

Let’s set the stage – here is the foo table (in PostgreSQL):

    id serial PRIMARY KEY,
    value numeric NOT NULL

The query should return counts and averages – entries cannot be double-counted, so I’d like the rows to be "cut into groups" based on some threshold "near-ness" value – you can think of the threshold value as a radius:

SELECT AVG(foo.value), COUNT(
  FROM foo
  GROUP BY foo.value; -- where I'm stuck

The query above will only apply the aggregate functions to rows in which foo.value has exact duplicates – what I’d like is something like the following pseudo-SQL:

SELECT AVG(foo.value), COUNT(
  FROM foo
   (row_being_grouped.value <= foo.value + threshold)
   (row_being_grouped.value >= foo.value - threshold);

I’m not sure if this makes any sense. I am wondering if I can get away with this without doing a sub-query – maybe "bucket" the rows somehow before finding the average within the buckets?



  1. If "threshold" can be understood as the maximum gap allowed between values of the same group, then it’s a well defined problem.
    Here is a solution:

    SELECT grp, count(*) AS grp_count, round(avg(value), 2) AS grp_avg
    FROM  (
       SELECT count(gap) OVER (ORDER BY value) AS grp, *
       FROM  (
          SELECT value
               , value - lag(value) OVER (ORDER BY value) > 150 OR null AS gap
          FROM   foo
          ) sub1
       ) sub2
    GROUP  BY grp
    ORDER  BY grp;

    fiddle (with step-by-step demo)

    Explanation and links to more:

    For convenience and short code I use Boolean logic (true OR nulltrue, false OR nullnull), and the fact that count() ignores null values. See:

    If this is more of a raster / cluster / granulation / grid problem, you need to define exactly which rows to pick as "focal points" or, alternatively, the exact nature of the independent raster / grid.

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  2. I suppose that treshold value is 123.45… Then :

    threshold AS 
    (SELECT 123.45 AS threshold_value, MIN(val) AS MI, MAX(val) AS MA, 
     FROM foo),
    slices AS
    (SELECT threshold_value, generate_series AS boundary  
     FROM   GENERATE_SERIES(MI - threshold_value / 2.0, MA + threshold_value / 2.0) AS boundaries
            CROSS JOIN threshold),
    places AS 
    (SELECT id, val, boundary
     FROM   foo
            JOIN slices ON val >= boundary AND val < boundary + threshold_value)
    SELECT  COUNT(val) AS COUNT_VAL, boundary AS BOUND_LOW, boundary + threshold_value AS BOUND_HIGH
    FROM    places
    GROUP   BY boundary, boundary + threshold_value;

    Not tested…

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