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I have a table named employees which has 3 columns ( id , firstname, lastname) which already has 20 records . I want to insert a new record with the id=15 and shift the existing rows with id > 14 without replacing the existing record with id=15.

i tried to move the rows like following but that did not work

UPDATE employees
SET id = id + 1
WHERE id >= 15;

INSERT INTO employees (id , firstname, lastname)
VALUES (15, 'john', 'doe' );

UPDATE, NOTE : the id is used as a foreign key in another table called product, so if we modify the id’s in the employees table we have to modify it in product table too I think

i got the following error The key “(id)=(17)” already exists

Thank you



  1. It’s a bit of a hack but the trick I’ve used is to update twice. e.g.

    UPDATE employees
    SET id = id + 101
    WHERE id >= 15;
    INSERT INTO employees (id , firstname, lastname)
    VALUES (15, 'john', 'doe' );
    UPDATE employees
    SET id = id - 10
    WHERE id >= 16;

    Another alternative is to remove the constraint and then add it back again but that’s even uglier.

    Whatever the approach doing it in a single transaction is probably a good idea.

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  2. The attribute id must be primary key, thus the error. Also, One Must Not fiddle with the Primary Key Values because if they are used in FK_Constraints or as Foreign Keys, such manipulation of Primary Key value can be disastrous.

    Notwithstanding, you one can achieve what you are trying using something known as Common Table Expression. You may look at following sql

    WITH updt_employees AS (
        SELECT (id + 1) AS id, firstname, lastname
        FROM employees
        WHERE id >= 15
    INSERT INTO employees (id, firstname, lastname)
    SELECT 15, 'John', 'Doe'
    SELECT * FROM updt_employees;
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  3. The last one is maybe good, but

    1. Insert 1 new ROW
    2. Update Primary Table backwards
    3. Update Row with id 15
    4. fix foreign Tables

    like that:

    INSERT INTO employees VALUES (SELECT MAX(id) FROM emloyees, '','');
    WITH ue AS (
    SELECT id, firstname, lastname
    FROM employees
    WHERE id >= 15 AND id < (SELECT MAX(id) FROM emloyees)
    UPDATE employees e
    SET firstname = ue.firstname, lastname = ue.lastname
    WHERE = + 1;
    UPDATE employees e
    SET firstname = 'John', lastname = 'Doe'
    WHERE = 15;
    UPDATE foreign_table_x SET foreign_key = foreign_key + 1
    WHERE foreign_key >= 15;
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  4. Updating tables that reference this ID can be handled automatically if you set up the foreign key columns with an on update cascade clause: demo

    create table tasks(
      id int generated by default as identity primary key,
      employee_id int references employees(id) 
          on delete set null 
          on update cascade,                               --this
      description text);

    To get rid of the id collision error, you can use an ordered batch update:

    WITH update_batch AS (
      SELECT id,
             id+1 AS new_id 
      FROM employees WHERE id >= 15 
      ORDER BY id DESC) --this makes sure the last one moves first, making room
    UPDATE employees AS old
    SET id = new_id
    FROM update_batch AS new 

    You got the error because your primary key constraint is by default not deferrable, so the uniqueness of the id is checked row-by-row during the update operation. Trying to update the first row with id=15 it already sees id=16 is occupied by the next row. If you force it to process things in reverse, each row first makes room for the next one to take over its id.

    It’s also possible to make your primary key constraint deferrable which makes PostgreSQL check for constraint violations at the end of transaction instead. Problem is, a column with a deferrable unique constraint cannot be used for foreign keys: demo2.

    @Frank Heikens raised a good point. You’re putting id column on double duty: one of uniquely identifying rows, another of defining order of some sort. By dispatching these functions to different columns you wouldn’t have to cascade identity changes all over the place whenever you just want to change order: demo

    UPDATE employees SET my_order=id;
    UPDATE employees
    SET my_order = my_order + 1
    WHERE my_order >= 15;
    INSERT INTO employees (id, my_order, firstname, lastname)
    VALUES (21, 15,'john', 'doe' );

    You can reorder things all you want an all previous foreign key associations remain untouched.

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