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I’m trying to move from a DTL script to this a DLT DBT script. The problem is that in one of my tables I also have some other DTL processes that writes in. I read but didn’t figure out how should I set my last tables to be able to write inside it. Maybe somebody else got stuck in this.

The flow is like in picture. The flow is like in picture.
The int__log_client__deletes & int__log_client_do__delete have to write also in tables client_dim & audit_matching_log without deleting the table.

The original int__log_client__do_delete script segment looks something like:

update data_warehouse.client_dim
       set is_deleted = true,
       deleted_at = current_timestamp
 where client_id in (select client_id from deletes)
   and source_id = 1
   returning 'delete' as type, client_id as key

The other original one is something like this but with insert in it.

My current view is something like:

{{ config( materialized='????' ) }}

do_delete as
        true as to_delete,
        current_timestamp as deleted_at
    from {{  ref('stg__data_warehouse__client_dim') }}
    where client_id in (select client_id from {{ ref('int__log_client__deletes') }})
        and client_dim_source_id = 1
--    returning 'delete' as type, client_id as key

select * from do_delete




  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    After hours of trial & error and getting cycle issues I got a working using a post_hook config in


    Something like:

        post_hook="update {{ source('data_warehouse','client_dim') }}
                   set is_deleted = true,
                       deleted_at = {{ }}
                   where client_id in (select client_id from {{ this }})
                       and source_id = 1"
    do_delete as
        from {{  ref('stg__data_warehouse__client_dim') }}
        where client_id in (select client_id from {{ ref('int__log_client__deletes') }})
            and client_dim_source_id = 1
    --    returning 'delete' as type, client_id as key
    select * from do_delete

    That's the working solution for my need!

  2. You need to re-think everything as a select statement. In this case, I would just add a field to the stg__data_warehouse__client_dim model that sets is_deleted appropriately. (Ideally you would have a created_at in your deletes table that also gives you deleted_at):

    -- in stg__data_warehouse__client_dim.sql
        existing_logic as (
            -- your existing stg__data_warehouse__client_dim model
        deletes as (select * from {{ ref('int__log_client__deletes') }}),
        case when deletes.client_id is not null then true else false end as to_delete,
        deletes.created_at as deleted_at
    from existing_logic
    left join deletes on existing_logic.client_id = deletes.client_id

    If this is too much logic for a stg model, then just create an int model downstream. The code is the same!

    -- in int__data_warehouse__client_dim_with_deletes.sql
        existing_logic as (select * from {{ ref('stg__data_warehouse__client_dim') }}),
        deletes as (select * from {{ ref('int__log_client__deletes') }}),
        case when deletes.client_id is not null then true else false end as to_delete,
        deletes.created_at as deleted_at
    from existing_logic
    left join deletes on existing_logic.client_id = deletes.client_id
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