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I have an "issue" (probably coming from my understanding of the json, jsonb and jsonb[] types) which is the following:

My team and I insert 3D coordinates records into a table whose column type is jsonb[].

The table contains an id column, that is based on the text representation of the records.
With that said, when I select some data from the table, all the records containing coordinates whose values where equal to -0.0 (bit sign on), the data I get back does not contain the minus sign. -0.0 -> 0.0.

I am aware of the IEEE754 RFC on floating point numbers (and the comparison section), I was wondering, how does Postgres treat the elements inside the jsonb array?
Is there a conversion/casting done on the fly when inserting the data.
Is there a way to deactivate such behaviour?

Minimal reproducible code:

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "my_test_table" (
    coordinates jsonb[]

TRUNCATE TABLE "my_test_table";

    "public"."my_test_table" ("coordinates")
ARRAY[jsonb_build_array(-0.0, 0.0,0.0)]::jsonb[]

select * from my_test_table;

The output is:

{"[0.0, 0.0, 0.0]"}

when one expects:

{"[-0.0, 0.0, 0.0]"}



  1. PostgreSQL stores numbers as numeric in jsonb. See this code in src/backend/utils/adt/jsonb.c:

    static JsonParseErrorType
    jsonb_in_scalar(void *pstate, char *token, JsonTokenType tokentype)
        switch (tokentype)
            case JSON_TOKEN_NUMBER:
                 * No need to check size of numeric values, because maximum
                 * numeric size is well below the JsonbValue restriction
                Assert(token != NULL);
                v.type = jbvNumeric;
                if (!DirectInputFunctionCallSafe(numeric_in, token,
                                                 InvalidOid, -1,
                    return JSON_SEM_ACTION_FAILED;
                v.val.numeric = DatumGetNumeric(numd);

    Data type numeric has no notion of “negative zero”:

    SELECT -0::float8 AS float8, -0::numeric AS numeric;
     float8 │ numeric 
         -0 │       0
    (1 row)

    numeric is stored as binary coded decimal.

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  2. Addressing the other question:

    Is there a way to deactivate such behaviour?

    Yes, there is. At a price of everything jsonb offers over json: demo at db<>fiddle

    select a::json "json",
           a::jsonb "jsonb" 
    from (values ('[-0.0,0.0,0.0]'))_(a);
    json jsonb
    [-0.0,0.0,0.0] [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
    create table test as 
    select a::json "json",
           a::jsonb "jsonb" 
    from (values ('[-0.0,1.1,2.2]'))_(a);
    select 'json',
           json->>0 "->>",
           json->0 "->",
           json->0 is json scalar AS "is json scalar",
    from test
    union all
    select 'jsonb',
           jsonb->0 is json scalar,
    from test;
    ?column? ->> -> pg_typeof is json scalar json_typeof
    json -0.0 -0.0 json t number
    jsonb 0.0 0.0 jsonb t number

    If you need the jsonb functionality and the fields to be of number type while holding onto the bit sign for some other logic, you can save it under a separate, appropriately named key, or another array of boolean values that hold corresponding "source" bit signs of your coordinates: demo2

    TRUNCATE TABLE "my_test_table";
    alter table "public"."my_test_table" add column "source_bit_signs" jsonb[];
    INSERT INTO "public"."my_test_table" ("coordinates","source_bit_signs")
    select ARRAY[jsonb_build_array(x::numeric,y::numeric,z::numeric)]::jsonb[],
    from (values ('-0.0', '0.0','0.0'))_(x,y,z)
    returning *;
    coordinates source_bit_signs
    {"[0.0, 0.0, 0.0]"} {"[true, false, false]"}

    That of course forces you to bind those coordinates as string types instead of numeric types.

    You can also not use number-type fields, and save the coordinates as string fields in jsonb. The size, indexing and JSONPath processing won’t be the same, but other than that, most in-db type mapping on json/jsonb output goes through text type first anyways, before you get to interact with the field for the purpose of a query.

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