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In PostgreSQL, the ON CONFLICT we are using can have multiple column names. Is that multiple columns behave like AND or OR?

address = EXCLUDED.address;

Does this mean, conflict occurs in

name AND mobile


name or mobile



  1. According to the documentation you need SELECT/UPDATE privilege to the columns specified.

    Similarly, when ON CONFLICT DO UPDATE is specified, you only need UPDATE privilege on the column(s) that are listed to be updated. However, ON CONFLICT DO UPDATE also requires SELECT privilege on any column whose values are read in the ON CONFLICT DO UPDATE expressions or condition.

    As long as either of the columns specified is in conflict_target it will perform conflict_action.

    where conflict_target can be one of:
        ( { index_column_name | ( index_expression ) } [ COLLATE collation ] [ opclass ] [, ...] )
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  2. An on conflict(col1,col2) establishes and AND condition on the columns, all must match values from an existing row. Further you cannot just name the any columns you must first define unique constraint on the specific columns. Finally only one on conflict() condition can be specified in a given DML statement. See demo as duplicated below:

    -- 1. setup
    create table test_on_conflict(toc_id   integer generated always as identity
                                           primary key
                                 ,name     text not null
                                 ,mobile   text not null
                                 ,address  text not null
    insert into test_on_conflict( name, mobile,address) 
        values ('name1','mobil1','addr1')
             , ('name2','mobil2','addr2');
    select * 
      from test_on_conflict;
    --- 2. insert same name,mobile without constraint   
    insert into test_on_conflict( name, mobile, address) 
        values ('name1','mobil1','address1:update1') 
            on conflict (name, mobile)   
            do update
                  set address= excluded.address;
    select * 
      from test_on_conflict; 
    -- 3. So define the constraint to enforce 
    alter table test_on_conflict 
          add constraint just_one_name_mobile
              unique(name, mobile); 
    -- 4. and try again
    insert into test_on_conflict( name, mobile, address) 
        values ('name1','mobil1','address1:update1') 
            on conflict (name, mobile)   
            do update
                  set address= excluded.address;
    select * 
      from test_on_conflict; 
    -- 5. new name, new mobile
    insert into test_on_conflict( name, mobile, address) 
        values ('name4','mobil4','address4') 
            on conflict (name, mobile)   
            do update
                  set address= excluded.address;
    select * 
      from test_on_conflict; 
    -- 6. new name, old mobile
    insert into test_on_conflict( name, mobile, address) 
        values ('name3','mobil1','address3') 
            on conflict (name, mobile)   
            do update
                  set address= excluded.address;
    select * 
      from test_on_conflict;
    -- 7. old name, new mobile
    insert into test_on_conflict( name, mobile, address) 
        values ('name2','mobil3','address4') 
            on conflict (name, mobile)   
            do update
                  set address= excluded.address;
    select * 
      from test_on_conflict;

    Notice that the conflict_action is executed only in statement set #4 where both columns match.

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