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Suppose I have an update query for a table with constraints (Postgres 11).

I do not know the constraints so I won’t be able to determine whether an update query will fail or not.

If an update query failes due to a conflict I want to do nothing and return 0 (no rows were updated).

With an insert you can have ‘INSERT INTO … ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING’ but this option does not exist in an update query.

Is there a solution?



  1. You could try using a CTE to get the result of the the UPDATE statement, and then return the updated rows using RETURNING *, but if it fails due to a conflict, it returns nothing.

    WITH updated_rows AS (
      UPDATE your_table
      SET column1 = 'new_value'
      WHERE condition
    SELECT COUNT(*) AS rows_updated FROM updated_rows;
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  2. Not a direct answer but there is no reason to make a statement like: I do not know … so I won’t be able to …. Instead that should prompt the question: How do I …. In this case that would be How do I determine the constraints on a table? The the following is one such way:

    select table_name, constraint_name, constrant_definition
      from (select distinct on(con.conrelid::regclass::text,con.conname,con.contype)
                    con.conrelid::regclass::text  table_name
                  , con.conname                   constraint_name
                  , con.contype
                  , pg_get_constraintdef(con.oid) constrant_definition
               from pg_catalog.pg_constraint con
               join pg_catalog.pg_class      rel on rel.oid = con.conrelid
               join pg_catalog.pg_namespace  nsp on nsp.oid = con.connamespace
              where nsp.nspname = 'public'
                and rel.relname = 'non_standard_calendar'
           ) sq
     order by table_name
            , case when contype = 'p' then 1 
                   when contype = 'u' then 2 
                   when contype = 'f' then 3
                   when contype = 'c' then 4 
                   else 5

    Then with that information you can pose a better question to your issue, or make the question mute.

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