I want to execute a single update query and have a result of two values, the first a boolean (true if there is a record matching the ID), and the second a rows affected count or some other value to signify that an update was applied. This will enable me to differentiate between ENTITY_NOT_FOUND and VERSION_CONFLICT.
Example UPDATE query
update vessel_clearance vc
set status = "blah",
last_updated_at = {new_ts},
expiry = {some_time}
where vc.id = sqlc.arg(vesselclearanceid)
and vc.last_updated_at = {current_version_ts}
Is this possible? I have experimented with the WITH clause but has been unsuccessful so far.
Please try the below. It will return the number of rows.
That said, if you are using a library from another language, update/delete/insert methods often will return the number of rows affected.
Good question.
I don’t think you can do this in a single query.
The UPDATE statement will return the number of affected rows, and that corresponds directly to the rows matching a search predicate value of true (not unknown, not false). If the search predicate includes the version verification then it won’t match a different version value and will return zero, even if there are rows for a partial match of the predicate ( only for
in this case).Having said that, you can do this using Pessimitic Locking. Running one query to check for predicate #1 (without the version verification) and then a second one with full predicate (with version verification). This, of course, defeats the goal of using Optimistic Locking.