I have a postgres table in the form of
id | x_loc |
1000 | 12.7 |
1500 | 13.2 |
1001 | 12.7 |
1502 | 13.2 |
1002 | 12.8 |
and want to make a rule or trigger that will update the x_loc column for all rows that meet a certain criteria whenever I update a single row’s x_loc value.
In my case the first 3 digits of the ‘id’ column can be read as being a group that should always have the same x_loc value in the table. So if I update the x_loc for id 1000, it should also update the x_loc for 1001 and 1002 to the same value. If I update the x_loc for 1502, it should set the x_loc for 1500 to the same value.
I realize that this means the x_loc is duplicated for a lot of entries, and that a better practice might be to separate x_loc into a different table and create a new ‘id’ column that just uses the first 3 digits, but I think that’s going to complicate things with other queries and the rest of the database more than I want to deal with.
I tried the follow RULE but get the infinite recursion detected error for obvious reasons. Is there any way to go about this with rules/triggers? Thanks
CREATE OR REPLACE RULE x_loc_update AS on UPDATE TO tbl_test
WHERE NEW.x_loc<>OLD.x_loc
UPDATE tbl_test SET
WHERE left(id,3)=left(NEW.id,3)
Use an
trigger:you could use a function here
and update your ids,
if you think it can be duplicated, then use lead and add +1 with it for the others.
I hope it will work.