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This is so simple query. I need to update Bookings tables’, LinkedBookings column (int array data type) to it’s own Id. Below query didn’t work for me.

update public."Booking" b set "LinkedBookings" = {"Id"}

Above is giving below error,

SQL Error [42601]: ERROR: syntax error at or near "{"

I searching thorough the internet and postgres documentation and couldn’t find any proper simple query. I can understand there is a way to do with writing a Pg Function. Rather than doing such a big thing, isn’t there any simple query for that?



  1. Assuming LinkedBookings is an array column and assuming that you want to set it to an array containing only the Id of each row, the correct SQL should be >>

       UPDATE public."Booking" b 
        SET "LinkedBookings" = ARRAY[b."Id"];
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  2. Here’s the the doc you were looking for.

    The syntax you used is for literals – you got the error because you’re missing the single quotes around the brackets, and the entire thing should be a text before it can become an int[] array. Demo at db<>fiddle:

    update public."Booking" b set "LinkedBookings" = ('{'||"Id"::text||'}')::int[]
      returning *,pg_typeof("LinkedBookings");
    Id LinkedBookings pg_typeof
    1 {1} integer[]
    2 {2} integer[]
    3 {3} integer[]

    The alternative syntax is wrapping the value in ARRAY[], already pointed out. You can add the explicit cast to be sure:

    update public."Booking" b set "LinkedBookings" = (ARRAY["Id"])::int[];

    If you’re just making "Id" available in an alternative form to save array-wrapping elsewhere, you can consider setting up "LinkedBookings" as a generated column – that way you don’t need to keep refreshing the table with periodic update.

    alter table public."Booking" drop column if exists "LinkedBookings";
    alter table public."Booking" add column "LinkedBookings" int[] 
       generated always as ((ARRAY["Id"])::int[]) stored;
    --no update necessary
    select *,pg_typeof("LinkedBookings") from public."Booking";
    Id LinkedBookings pg_typeof
    1 {1} integer[]
    2 {2} integer[]
    3 {3} integer[]

    If you’re running this update to pre-populate the column and you plan to modify it later, don’t make it generated as those cannot be modified directly. They can only be re-generated by modifying the values they depend on.

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