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I came to a standtstill with a relatively trivial issue.
Such a simple query:

select distinct field_name,length(field_name) from table_a where
field_name similar to `2[0-9][0-9]%`;

returns the following rows:

200       |     3|
203       |     3|
210       |     3|

But the very similar one, where only ‘%’ in the expression has been omitted returns no rows:

  select distinct field_name,length(field_name) from table_a where 
         field_name similar to  '[23][0-9][0-2]';

The field_name column is defined as CHAR(10).
The problem probably results from some characters at the end of the field but I don’t know how to eliminate them.
Would you mind telling me how to solve it?

Checked postgresql documentation and tutorials,
searched on google and stackoverflow wtihout success.



  1. Just a quick guess: In the first query you are using the % Wildcard. So the char must not be exactly 3 digits long. Maybe there are some trailing spaces in your data?

    Try something like that:

    SELECT DISTINCT field_name, LENGTH(field_name)
    FROM table_a
    WHERE TRIM(field_name) SIMILAR TO '[23][0-9][0-2]'

    Let me know if that solves your issue.

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  2. CREATE TABLE table_a (
      field_name CHAR(10)
    INSERT INTO table_a (field_name) VALUES 
    ('200       '), 
    ('203       '), 
    ('210       '), 
    ('230       '), 
    ('250       ');
    INSERT INTO table_a (field_name) VALUES 
    INSERT 0 5
    INSERT 0 5
    SELECT DISTINCT field_name, LENGTH(field_name) 
    FROM table_a 
    WHERE field_name SIMILAR TO '[23][0-9][0-2]'
    field_name length
    SELECT 0
    SELECT DISTINCT TRIM(field_name), LENGTH(TRIM(field_name)) 
    FROM table_a 
    WHERE TRIM(field_name) SIMILAR TO '[23][0-9][0-2]'
    btrim length
    200 3
    210 3
    230 3
    250 3
    SELECT 4


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