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I have set up a decorator to provide my db connection using psycopg3 and I sometimes have it passing a connection that is closed and throwing the following error when I try to use it:

the connection is closed

Here is my implementation:

master_connection_pool = psycopg_pool.ConnectionPool(

def provide_db(func):
    Function decorator that provides a session if it isn't provided.

    def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
        arg_session = 'db'

        func_params = func.__code__.co_varnames
        session_in_args = arg_session in func_params and 
                          func_params.index(arg_session) < len(args)
        session_in_kwargs = arg_session in kwargs

        if session_in_kwargs and kwargs[arg_session] is not None:
            return func(*args, **kwargs)
        if session_in_args and args[func_params.index(arg_session)] is not None:
            return func(*args, **kwargs)
            with master_connection_pool.connection() as conn:
                conn.row_factory = dict_row
                kwargs[arg_session] = conn
                return func(*args, **kwargs)

    return wrapper

Then in my app I can do this:

def do_Stuff(user_id, db):
    db.query(f"SELECT * FROM users WHERE id={user_id}")

What is the proper way to reconnect or prevent this from happening, this is a webapp so its a long running process.



  1. You can develop a connection pool manager that checks that connections are valid and reopens them as needed to address this error in a web application. To handle this, here is a revised version of your code:

    import psycopg_pool
    from functools import wraps
    master_connection_pool = psycopg_pool.ConnectionPool(
    def provide_db(func):
        Function decorator that provides a session if it isn't provided.
        def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
            arg_session = 'db'
            func_params = func.__code__.co_varnames
            session_in_args = arg_session in func_params and 
                              func_params.index(arg_session) < len(args)
            session_in_kwargs = arg_session in kwargs
            if session_in_kwargs and kwargs[arg_session] is not None:
                return func(*args, **kwargs)
            if session_in_args and args[func_params.index(arg_session)] is not None:
                return func(*args, **kwargs)
                conn = master_connection_pool.get()  # Get a connection from the pool
                conn.row_factory = dict_row
                kwargs[arg_session] = conn
                    result = func(*args, **kwargs)
                    conn.commit()  # Commit changes (if any) before returning the connection
                    return result
                except Exception as e:
                    conn.rollback()  # Rollback changes in case of an exception
                    raise e
                    master_connection_pool.put(conn)  # Return the connection to the pool
        return wrapper

    This should help eliminate "the connection is closed" issues in your web application by ensuring that the connection is correctly maintained and returned to the pool, even in the case of exceptions.

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  2. From the document I see the connection is not closed, instead, it’s put back in the pool so it’s reused.

    Upon context exit, return the connection to the pool. Apply the normal connection context behaviour (commit/rollback the transaction in case of success/error). If the connection is no more in working state, replace it with a new one.

    I can think of 3 approaches:

    1. To use check function(doc link), But this looks like an overhead.
    2. To use values that are aligned with db conf. Arguments like max_idle and max_lifetime can be used to control the pool behavior. you can read more about them here.
    3. Use NullConnectionPool instead.

    I hope you will be able to fix it If you play around with these.

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