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I’m trying to put sequence id which should start from current date then backwards and should only limit up until 5 rows. I can’t do by date as there are times there are missing date row so I still have to follow the current date to whatever date is next backwards

I already came up with a query but it seems that it doesn’t really start with current date backwards. Any other approach I can do?

ROW_NUMBER() over (partition by employee_id order by date rows 5 preceding exclude current row)
from employee table 

enter image description here



  1. Try the following query:

    Example with sample data:

    Temp Table:

    create temp table temp_emp 
        employee_id int,
        date date

    Sample data:

    insert into temp_emp values(1,'2023-08-02');
    insert into temp_emp values(2,'2023-08-01');
    insert into temp_emp values(3,null);
    insert into temp_emp values(4,'2023-07-31');
    insert into temp_emp values(5,'2023-07-29');
    insert into temp_emp values(6,null);
    insert into temp_emp values(7,'2023-08-03');
    insert into temp_emp values(8,'2023-07-03');
    insert into temp_emp values(9,'2023-01-01');
    insert into temp_emp values(10,null);


    ;with cte as
        SELECT *,
        ROW_NUMBER() over (partition by (case when date <=  now() then 1 else null end) order by date desc) rnk
        from temp_emp
    select date, case when rnk <= 5 and date <=now() then rnk else null end as ranks
    from cte;


    enter image description here

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  2. I think you also need to list employee columns such as employee id(you did select *). If so, you need something like this:

    select main.* from (select distinct emp from test ) t1,
      lateral(select emp, dt, row_number() over (partition by emp order by dt desc) rn
      from test t2 where t1.emp = t2.emp
      and t2.dt <= now()
      group by t2.emp, t2.dt
      order by t2.dt desc
      limit 5) main
      order by 1, 2 desc;

    Inside of the lateral join you get last 5 date for each group and then iterate it.


    Also, there is a different version of it:

    with main as (select emp, dt from test
    group by emp, dt
      having dt <= now()), final as(
      select emp, dt, row_number() over (partition by emp order by dt desc) rn
      from main where dt <= now())
      select * from final where rn <= 5;

    In order to compare them I increased the data volume and you can see comparison of explain output for both queries using fiddle.

    In short, second query is faster.

    Note: there were mistakes on the answer, they were fixed.

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