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I’ve the following dataset

Table 1
Id | JsonB
1  | [ { "Name": "ABC" }, { "Name": "DEF" } ]
2  | [ { "Name": "XYZ" }, { "Name": "ABC" } ]
3  | [ { "Name": "GHI" }, { "Name": "JKL" } ]

I want to return the index of the value in search. For example when searching for {"Name": "ABC"} it would return the below result. Note: my search is on a unique property, however just in case if there are more than one occurrence it can return an array of indexes.

Query result
Id | Index
1  | [0]
2  | [1]
3  | null or []

EDIT: because Postgresql works with paths and in case of nested search, may it’s better to return the path instead, but I am happy with any

Query result
Id | Path
1  | ['{0}']
2  | ['{1}']
3  | null or []



  1. If you want the result as a JSON array, not a PostgreSQL array, you could use

           nullif(jsonb_agg(u.n - 1), '[null]')
    FROM json
       LEFT JOIN LATERAL jsonb_array_elements(json.jsonb) WITH ORDINALITY AS u(e, n)
          ON u.e = '{"Name": "ABC"}'

    jsonb_array_elements() unnests the JSON array and WITH ORDINALITY gibes us the position in the array.

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  2. You can use jsonb_array_elements with ordinality to get the position of each element :

    SELECT id, ARRAY_AGG(ordinality- 1) as index
    FROM mytable 
    LEFT JOIN jsonb_array_elements(myjson) with ordinality
          ON value = '{"Name": "ABC"}'
    GROUP BY id
    ORDER By id

    Demo here

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  3. You can use the jsonb_array_elements table function to extract the objects to match against and the WITH ORDINALITY option to generate an index. Put them in a subquery and aggregate the indices of the matched objects back into an array:

        SELECT array_agg(ord-1)
        FROM jsonb_array_elements(array_of_objects) WITH ORDINALITY AS values(obj, ord)
        WHERE obj = '{ "Name": "ABC" }'
      ) AS index
    FROM demo;

    (online demo)

    Notice I’ve used ord - 1 to make the index 0-based, ordinality (and array indexing) is 1-based in Postgres.

    If there is no match, array_agg will return NULL, to get an empty array instead, wrap the subquery in ARRAY(…). Or if you want a json array, use COALESCE((SELECT json_agg(…) FROM …), '[]').

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