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How to check the last record of a user in supabase. I would only need by means of the user ID to find his last record "date" in a descending way

I have something like the following, but this would just sort the table and I really don’t want to bring it all just the most recent dates. I am working on this in nodejs with express and I am using the @supabase/supabase-js library for auth with supabase

Does anyone know how?

const { data, error } = await supabase.from('activity-historic-tracked').select('*').in('user_id', user_ids).order('date', { ascending: false })

I made the query in supabase using sql with DISTINC ON to return only different values because I only want to list the different values and not bring repeated values and at the end ordering them descendingly

select distinct on (user_id) user_id, date
from "activity-historic-tracked"
order by user_id, date desc;

enter image description here

According to what I was reading in this question rpc function, doing something like this could be done using views or supabase stored procedures, but how is it done?

Please help me



  1. As mentioned in the other SO answer you linked, you can create a view or a rpc function. To create a view you would use the SQL editor in the Supabase Dashboard with the following:

    CREATE VIEW view_name AS 
      SELECT DISTINCT on (user_id) user_id, date
      FROM "activity-historic-tracked"
      ORDER BY user_id, date DESC;

    And now you would use this with the supabase-js library just like you would with a normal table.

    await supabase.from('view_name').select('*')

    If you were to go the .rpc function route, you would call it via that method on the supabase-js library.

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  2. take a look on this

    My suggestion was as follow:

             const { data, error } = await supabase
            .from('activity-historic-tracked') //table name
            .select("*") //columns to select from the database
            .eq('user_id', **theid you want to query with lastest result**)
            .order('id', { ascending: false })
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