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With this query:

with tbl as
  select  1 ord, 'A' name from dual
  union all
  select  2 ord, 'A' name from dual
  union all
  select  3 ord, 'A' name from dual
  union all
  select  4 ord, 'B' name from dual
  union all
  select  5 ord, 'B' name from dual
  union all
  select  6 ord, 'A' name from dual
  union all
  select  7 ord, 'A' name from dual
  union all
  select  8 ord, 'C' name from dual
  union all
  select  9 ord, 'C' name from dual
  union all
  select 10 ord, 'B' name from dual
  union all
  select 11 ord, 'B' name from dual
  union all
  select 12 ord, 'B' name from dual
select ord, name, myrank(...)
from tbl
order by

I want to get these results:

       ORD NAME     MYRANK
---------- ---- ----------
         1 A             1
         2 A             1
         3 A             1
         4 B             2
         5 B             2
         6 A             3
         7 A             3
         8 C             4
         9 C             4
        10 B             5
        11 B             5
        12 B             5

Same rank for continuous equal values.
Different groups of same continuous equal values have different ranks.
Rank increases monotonically in order of "ord".

For Oracle and PostgreSQL (ultimate query for both systems is preferable).



  1. From Oracle 12, you can use MATCH_RECOGNIZE to perform row-by-row pattern matching:

    SELECT ord, name, myrank
    FROM   tbl
      ORDER BY ord
        MATCH_NUMBER() AS myrank
      PATTERN (same_name+)
        same_name AS FIRST(name) = name

    In all versions, you can use the LAG and SUM analytic functions to output the same:

    SELECT ord,
           SUM(has_changed) OVER (ORDER BY ord) AS myrank
    FROM   (
      SELECT ord,
             WHEN name = LAG(name) OVER (ORDER BY ord)
             THEN 0
             ELSE 1
             END AS has_changed
      FROM   tbl
    ) t;

    Which, for the sample data, both output:

    1 A 1
    2 A 1
    3 A 1
    4 B 2
    5 B 2
    6 A 3
    7 A 3
    8 C 4
    9 C 4
    10 B 5
    11 B 5
    12 B 5

    The second query also works in PostgreSQL.

    Oracle fiddle PostgreSQL fiddle

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  2. This works for either RDBMS:

    SELECT ord, name
         , count(step or NULL) OVER (ORDER BY ord) AS myrank
    FROM  (
       SELECT ord, name, name <> lag(name) OVER (ORDER BY ord) AS step
       FROM   tbl
       ) sub;

    Postgres fiddle
    Oracle fiddle

    Notably, count() only counts not-null values, and

    true  OR null → true
    false OR null → null

    Counting the number of changes in the name column generates the desired group numbers.

    Optimized for Postgres:

    SELECT ord, name
         , count(*) FILTER (WHERE step) OVER (ORDER BY ord) + 1 AS myrank
    FROM  (
       SELECT *, name <> lag(name) OVER (ORDER BY ord) AS step
       FROM   tbl
       ) sub;


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