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I have sample XML files, where i need to ready Node name & create table name similar to Node name skipping container nodes. Then read these XML Nodes and create Dynamic table with dynamic columns in Postgres sql Script file. This file will be executed by existing framework written to create sample database for microservices.

Sample XML –


so output of this xml reading should be as follows –

Dynamic User table with columns ID, Name
Dynamic Address table with columns ID, Address1

After creating these tables, same values should be inserted into User and Address tables from xml nodes.



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    I tried above solution -

        FOR xml_row IN SELECT unnest(xpath('//Data/*', xml_data)) LOOP
                -- Get the node name
                RAISE NOTICE 'xml_row: %', xml_row;
                node_name := xml_row;
                RAISE NOTICE 'node_name: %', node_name;
                node_name := name(xml_row);
               RAISE NOTICE 'node_name: %', node_name;
    output of above is not as per expectation  
        xml_row: <UserContainer>
        node_name: <UserContainer>
        node_name: <UserContainer>

    Node name and child nodes are not getting populated. Not sure if something i'm missing.

  2. you can use PL/pgSQL along with the XML functions to dynamically create tables based on XML structure and insert data into these tables.

    -- Function to create tables and insert data based on XML
    CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION process_xml(xml_data XML)
        node_name TEXT;
        table_name TEXT;
        column_names TEXT;
        column_values TEXT;
        xml_row XML;
        -- iterate data nodes
        FOR xml_row IN SELECT unnest(xpath('//Data/*', xml_data)) LOOP
            -- Get the node name
            node_name := name(xml_row);
            -- omit container nodes
            IF node_name NOT LIKE '%Container' THEN
                table_name := 'dynamic_' || node_name;
                column_names := '';
                column_values := '';
                -- iterate child nodes
                FOR child_node IN SELECT unnest(xpath('./*', xml_row)) LOOP
                    column_names := column_names || name(child_node) || ', ';
                    column_values := column_values || quote_literal((child_node).text) || ', ';
                END FOR;
                -- omit trailing commas
                column_names := rtrim(column_names, ', ');
                column_values := rtrim(column_values, ', ');
                -- dynamic table creation
                EXECUTE 'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ' || table_name ||
                        ' (' || column_names || ');';
                -- dynamic data insertion
                EXECUTE 'INSERT INTO ' || table_name ||
                        ' (' || column_names || ') VALUES (' || column_values || ');';
            END IF;
        END FOR;
    $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;

    can use this function by passing your xml data as an argument.

    DO $$ 
        xml_data XML := '<Base>
        PERFORM process_xml(xml_data);
    END $$;
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