I have the following tables which i want to write a function to return data from
Table Definitions
create table device
deviceid uuid not null
constraint pk__device__49e123311461d246
primary key,
serialnumber varchar(255),
productcode varchar(255),
description varchar(255),
softwareversion varchar(255),
build varchar(255),
builddate timestamp with time zone,
assigned boolean,
groupid uuid
constraint fkdevice951246
references public.groups,
updateddatetime timestamp with time zone,
restartpointerno integer,
deviceconnectionindex integer
constraint fkdevice_deviceconnectiontype
references public.deviceconnectiontype,
organisationid uuid
constraint fk_device_organisation_organisationid
references public.organisation
alter table device
owner to postgres;
create table groups
groupid uuid not null
constraint pk__groups__149af30a383c48d4
primary key,
groupname varchar(255),
groupparentid uuid
constraint fkgroups635827
references groups
alter table groups
owner to postgres;
INSERT INTO public.groups (groupid, groupname, groupparentid) VALUES ('6071392c-ca4a-4967-9ec2-f75e222d8b41', 'CallibrationLab', NULL);
INSERT INTO public.groups (groupid, groupname, groupparentid) VALUES ('68c1e75c-4d80-45f1-ac9c-766b53a1271e', 'Echo chamber', NULL);
INSERT INTO public.groups (groupid, groupname, groupparentid) VALUES ('32c82a28-632f-4e60-a7ab-a1ca86c93cff', 'DaveTest', NULL);
INSERT INTO public.groups (groupid, groupname, groupparentid) VALUES ('8c4232be-c054-4ed8-bb66-0c9616c301cd', 'Tim Test', '6071392c-ca4a-4967-9ec2-f75e222d8b41');
INSERT INTO public.groups (groupid, groupname, groupparentid) VALUES ('89c49f24-2a34-4517-a7e4-fb81a52d82dd', 'Thunder Chamber', NULL);
INSERT INTO public.groups (groupid, groupname, groupparentid) VALUES ('6139a2ab-4029-4188-b665-3d4064bababa', 'SuperGran', '6071392c-ca4a-4967-9ec2-f75e222d8b41');
INSERT INTO public.groups (groupid, groupname, groupparentid) VALUES ('ea0db9be-edb2-4af1-ad6a-1cf7e8b9fa06', 'George Test', NULL);
INSERT INTO public.device (deviceid, serialnumber, productcode, description, softwareversion, build, builddate, assigned, groupid, updateddatetime, restartpointerno, deviceconnectionindex, organisationid) VALUES ('04a2feec-d61d-49cd-88df-dadb3aa66e6c', '926371', 'TGRF-4602-A', 'Office Bookcase', '1.2.928', '4843', NULL, NULL, NULL, '2023-09-29 11:18:24.526667+01', 3050536, 2, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.device (deviceid, serialnumber, productcode, description, softwareversion, build, builddate, assigned, groupid, updateddatetime, restartpointerno, deviceconnectionindex, organisationid) VALUES ('189a3642-64ca-4bf8-ae58-0e1f0ef27d22', '939029', 'ACSR-3600-A', 'Metrology Test Receiver', '1.2.928', '4829', NULL, NULL, '89c49f24-2a34-4517-a7e4-fb81a52d82dd', '2023-09-29 11:18:24.52+01', 9060068, 1, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.device (deviceid, serialnumber, productcode, description, softwareversion, build, builddate, assigned, groupid, updateddatetime, restartpointerno, deviceconnectionindex, organisationid) VALUES ('7315a69e-1dad-4c5b-bf8e-5433b90b62c6', '876302', 'TR-3020-A', 'TR-3020-A', '1.4.1', '4829', NULL, NULL, NULL, '2023-09-29 11:18:24.666667+01', 4683540, 2, '272ef7b7-244b-4911-a011-d941774028c3');
INSERT INTO public.device (deviceid, serialnumber, productcode, description, softwareversion, build, builddate, assigned, groupid, updateddatetime, restartpointerno, deviceconnectionindex, organisationid) VALUES ('51a64e1f-c7b4-4ea8-bfaf-2fdff527b751', '940860', 'TGRF-4024-A', 'Office Desk', '1.2.928', '4843', NULL, NULL, NULL, '2023-09-29 11:18:24.506667+01', 8870307, 2, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.device (deviceid, serialnumber, productcode, description, softwareversion, build, builddate, assigned, groupid, updateddatetime, restartpointerno, deviceconnectionindex, organisationid) VALUES ('95e1610d-e3f7-42fc-8303-9da9b9aaf784', '545415', 'TGRF-4026-A', 'Test Logger3', '1.2.3', '4848', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 7341269, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.device (deviceid, serialnumber, productcode, description, softwareversion, build, builddate, assigned, groupid, updateddatetime, restartpointerno, deviceconnectionindex, organisationid) VALUES ('7036b270-1ddd-4ce6-aef0-9b8508db1c6b', '856365', 'TGRF-4024-A', 'Test Logger1', '1.2.3', '4848', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 461912, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.device (deviceid, serialnumber, productcode, description, softwareversion, build, builddate, assigned, groupid, updateddatetime, restartpointerno, deviceconnectionindex, organisationid) VALUES ('c525e43d-a53b-41da-a9ef-a971a2dd14ab', '455455', 'TGRF-4025-A', 'Test Logger2', '1.2.3', '4848', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 2572984, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.device (deviceid, serialnumber, productcode, description, softwareversion, build, builddate, assigned, groupid, updateddatetime, restartpointerno, deviceconnectionindex, organisationid) VALUES ('ba5ca162-95ba-4fc7-9335-710af1d3c783', '737675', 'TK-4014', 'Test Logger2', '1.2.3', '4848', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1587554, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.device (deviceid, serialnumber, productcode, description, softwareversion, build, builddate, assigned, groupid, updateddatetime, restartpointerno, deviceconnectionindex, organisationid) VALUES ('ed86ef25-e131-4591-98ae-11f4cfca448d', '894339', 'TR-3020-A', 'TR-3020-A', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 6017319, NULL, NULL);
Now I have written a function to try and display this data as follows:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION get_multiple_tables()
DeviceID uuid,
SerialNumber varchar(255)
GroupID uuid,
GroupName varchar(255),
GroupParentID uuid
AS $$
-- Your logic to populate the tables goes here
-- You can use SELECT statements or other operations
-- Returning values for table 1
RETURN NEXT (SELECT DeviceID, SerialNumber FROM device);
-- Returning values for table 2
RETURN NEXT (SELECT GroupID, GroupName, GroupParentID FROM groups);
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
However I get the following error:
[2024-01-04 12:10:12] [42601] ERROR: syntax error at or near "TABLE"
[2024-01-04 12:10:12] Position: 65
What am I doing wrong here?
Ok guys i have come up with the following solution to this
Now i can call this as follows:
With no serial Number:
or with serial number:
From everything I’ve read, you can’t return multiple tables through a function like that. You could insert multiple data sets into a single table, breaking it up by column, or adding a column for the table name. Or, you can return multiple cursors, and load those up as tables. There are several StackOverflow examples of this right here: Postgres function: return multiple tables