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I’m using pgsql to find the cage number (cno) that holds the largest number of animals but doesn’t have a bird in it.

The way I tried to do it is by creating a table that counts the number of animals in each cage (not including those with birds) and then return the ones where the count equals the max value.

select temp.cno,temp.size
(select cage.cno,cage.size,count(*) as q
from cage,animal
where cage.cno = animal.cno  and cage.cno not in (select cno from animal where lower(atype)='sheep')
group by cage.cno,cage.size) as temp
where temp.q = (select max(q) from temp)

I’m getting the following error message

ERROR:  relation "temp" does not exist
LINE 7: where temp.q = (select max(q) from temp)

Any idea how to overcome this issue? Why isn’t temp recognized within the last sub query?

Here are the tables

  1. cage (cno, type, size)

  2. animal (aid, aname, cno, atype)



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    I solved it by ordering the results descending and using limit 1 to show the first row (which is the max)

  2. You already found out that a subquery defined in the FROM is not visible inside another subquery defined in the WHERE clause.

    This is easily solvable with the use of a CTE (with a proper join):

    WITH temp AS (
      SELECT c.cno, c.size, COUNT(*) AS q
      FROM cage c INNER JOIN animal a
      ON a.cno = c.cno  
      WHERE c.cno NOT IN (SELECT cno FROM animal WHERE LOWER(atype) = 'bird')
      GROUP BY c.cno, c.size
    SELECT cno, size
    FROM temp
    WHERE q = (SELECT MAX(q) FROM temp);

    But, if there is a case that in a cage exist animals of more than one type then the condition:

    c.cno NOT IN (SELECT cno FROM animal WHERE LOWER(atype) = 'bird')

    is not correct, because it returns all cages which contain other types than birds without a restriction that there are only other types than birds.

    You can apply this restriction with aggregation.

    If you want/expect only 1 cage as result:

    SELECT c.cno, c.size
    FROM cage c INNER JOIN animal a
    ON a.cno = c.cno
    GROUP BY c.cno
    HAVING MAX((LOWER(a.atype) = 'bird')::int) = 0

    If you want more than one cages with the largest number of animals, use RANK() window function:

    WITH cte AS (
      SELECT c.cno, c.size,
             RANK() OVER (ORDER BY COUNT(*) DESC) rnk
      FROM cage c INNER JOIN animal a
      ON a.cno = c.cno
      GROUP BY c.cno
      HAVING MAX((LOWER(a.atype) = 'bird')::int) = 0
    SELECT cno, size FROM cte WHERE rnk = 1;

    Note that since cno is the PRIMARY KEY of cage you only need to group by cno.

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