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I would like to make a query similar to this:

  close - LAG(close) OVER (ORDER BY time) AS "diff"
  CASE WHEN diff > 0 THEN diff ELSE 0 END AS gain,
  CASE WHEN diff < 0 THEN diff ELSE 0 END AS loss,
  AVG(gain) OVER (ORDER BY time ROWS 40 PRECEDING) as avg_gain,
  AVG(loss) OVER (ORDER BY time ROWS 40 PRECEDING) AS avg_loss
  avg_gain / avg_loss AS rs,
  100 - (100 / NULLIF(, 0)) as rsi
FROM candles_5min
WHERE symbol = 'AAPL';

But from what I can tell, SQL doesn’t allow references to columns created within the same SELECT. So I have to do something like:

SELECT rst.time, 100 - (100 / NULLIF((, 0)) as rsi
avgs.avg_gain / NULLIF(avgs.avg_loss, 0) AS rs
FROM (SELECT glt.time, AVG(glt.gain) OVER (ORDER BY time ROWS 40 PRECEDING) as avg_gain,
    AVG(glt.loss) OVER (ORDER BY time ROWS 40 PRECEDING) AS avg_loss
    CASE WHEN dt.diff > 0 THEN dt.diff ELSE 0 END AS gain,
    CASE WHEN diff < 0 THEN diff ELSE 0 END AS loss
    close - LAG(close) OVER (ORDER BY time) AS "diff"
    FROM candles_5min
    WHERE symbol = 'AAPL') AS dt) AS glt) AS avgs) AS rst

Is there any way to simplify a query like this one? I’m using PostgreSQL.



  1. You could rewrite it with ctes instead of subqueries, that woul keep it better readable and you cann better debug it.

    But you can do

      close - LAG(close) OVER (ORDER BY time) AS "diff",
      CASE WHEN close - LAG(close) OVER (ORDER BY time)  > 0 THEN diff ELSE 0 END AS gain,
      CASE WHEN close - LAG(close) OVER (ORDER BY time)  < 0 THEN diff ELSE 0 END AS loss,
      AVG(CASE WHEN close - LAG(close) OVER (ORDER BY time)  > 0 THEN diff ELSE 0 END ) OVER (ORDER BY time ROWS 40 PRECEDING) as avg_gain,
      AVG(CASE WHEN close - LAG(close) OVER (ORDER BY time)  < 0 THEN diff ELSE 0 END) OVER (ORDER BY time ROWS 40 PRECEDING) AS avg_loss,
      AVG(CASE WHEN close - LAG(close) OVER (ORDER BY time)  > 0 THEN diff ELSE 0 END ) OVER (ORDER BY time ROWS 40 PRECEDING) 
      / AVG(CASE WHEN close - LAG(close) OVER (ORDER BY time)  < 0 THEN diff ELSE 0 END) OVER (ORDER BY time ROWS 40 PRECEDING) AS rs,
      100 - (100 / NULLIF(1+
      (AVG(CASE WHEN close - LAG(close) OVER (ORDER BY time)  > 0 THEN diff ELSE 0 END ) OVER (ORDER BY time ROWS 40 PRECEDING) 
      / AVG(CASE WHEN close - LAG(close) OVER (ORDER BY time)  < 0 THEN diff ELSE 0 END) OVER (ORDER BY time ROWS 40 PRECEDING)), 0)) as rsi
    FROM candles_5min
    WHERE symbol = 'AAPL';

    you should benchmark it

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  2. There is a window function based on another window function, which cannot be nested in the same SELECT list. So you need a minimum of two query levels. But that minimum seems feasible:

    SELECT time
         , 100 - (100 / NULLIF((1 + AVG(GREATEST(diff, 0)) OVER w
                              / NULLIF(AVG(LEAST(diff, 0)) OVER w, 0)), 0)) AS rsi
    FROM  (
       SELECT time
            , close - LAG(close) OVER (ORDER BY time) AS diff
       FROM   candles_5min
       WHERE  symbol = 'AAPL'
       ) dt


    You can replace the lengthy CASE expressions with dedicated (100 % equivalent) GREATEST() and LEAST().

    You can use a WINDOW clause to avoid spelling out the same frame for multiple window functions in the same SELECT list. Results in the same query plan, so no effect on performance. The manual:

    … the WINDOW clause saves typing when the same window definition is needed for more than one window function.

    Overall, I expect my rewrite to be only slightly faster. But you asked for a simplified query, not performance, so that’s ok.

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