I have the following selection:
posm.id AS org_scope_metric_id,
cc.code AS control_code,
ccp.code AS part_code,
pop.id AS program_id
FROM public.org_scope_metric posm
JOIN public.org_metric pom ON pom.id = posm.metric_id
JOIN compliance.metric cm ON cm.id = pom.metric_id
JOIN compliance.control_part_metric ccpm ON ccpm.metric_id = cm.id
JOIN compliance.control_part ccp ON ccp.id = ccpm.part_id
JOIN compliance.control cc ON cc.id = ccp.control_id
JOIN compliance.program_framework cpf ON cpf.framework_id = cc.framework_id
JOIN public.org_program pop ON pop.program_id = cpf.program_id
WHERE posm.scope_id ='e6d11bfe-e5fc-11ee-8cda-238cdb93d281'
GROUP BY posm.id, cc.code, ccp.code, pop.id
If there are org_scope_metric_ids with different program_id I need to skip them all from the selection.
Please help to resolve it!
Thank you so much guys. My final solution according to your suggestions is
So the main thing that I had to use
to get necessary count.Count the number of equal
occurrences and the number of distinctprogram_id
-s in each group and then filter result rows with both numbers greater than 1.You would need a helper function for that –
You can use
window functions