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I have a color table t1 with data like below, sorted by sn

select * from t1 order by sn
|sn |color  |
|25 |Brown  |
|29 |Brown  |
|33 |Blue   |
|37 |Red    |
|42 |Green  |
|46 |Yellow |
|49 |Red    |
|53 |Red    |
|57 |Red    |
|61 |Blue   |
|65 |Red    |
|69 |Pink   |

I need to find 2 or more adjacent rows having same color when sorted by sn.

|25 |Brown  |
|29 |Brown  |

|49 |Red    |
|53 |Red    |
|57 |Red    |

I tried something like the lag() function in SQL, but that gets only 2 adjacent rows.
I’m not able to expand the solution to address it in a generic way.
Can this be solved.

select sn, color, lag(color) over(order by sn) prev_color from t1 



  1. A row should be returned if its color is the same as the previous or the next row:

    SELECT sn, color
    FROM (  
      SELECT *,
             LAG(color) OVER (ORDER BY sn) prev_color,
             LEAD(color) OVER (ORDER BY sn) next_color
      FROM tablename
    ) t
    WHERE color IN (prev_color, next_color);

    See the demo.

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  2. You could use a simple join:

    select, t.color from t1 t
    left join (
         lag(color) over(order by sn) as lag,
         lead(color) over(order by sn) as lead
      from t1 
    ) l on t=sn =
    where t.color = l.lag or t.color=l.lead
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