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My table looks like below

x   y    z
a   ab   2
a   ab   4
a   ac   4
b   ab   6
b   ab   4
b   ad   8
c   ac   10
c   ac   10

What I am looking for is this:

x   y    avg_z  number_of_sample
a   ab   3      2
a   ac   4      1
b   ab   5      2
b   ad   8      1
c   ac   10     2

Basically I have right now this:

SELECT x, y, AVG(z) AS avg_z
FROM table1

But I can’t create a next column with number of sample for each case. Do you have idea how I could solve this?




  1. You can do it as follows :

    SELECT x, y, AVG(z) AS avg_z, COUNT(*) AS number_of_sample
    FROM table1
    GROUP BY x, y
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  2. Short Answer

    SELECT x, y, AVG(z) AS avg_z, COUNT(*) AS number_of_sample
    FROM table1
    GROUP BY x, y

    Long Answer (How query is executed by the database)

    Assume we have a table named data with the following data:

    x y
    A 1
    B 2
    A 1
    B 3
    C 2

    Step 1: Data Retrieval

    The database engine retrieves the data from the data table.

    Step 2: Grouping

    The data is grouped based on unique combinations of values in columns x and y. The groups are as follows:

    Group 1: (x=’A’, y=1)

    x y
    A 1
    A 1

    Group 2: (x=’B’, y=2)

    x y
    B 2

    and so one for the rest of the values

    Step 3: Aggregation

    For each group, the COUNT(*) function is applied to calculate the number of occurrences within each group:

    Group 1: (x=’A’, y=1), COUNT(*) = 2

    Group 2: (x=’B’, y=2), COUNT(*) = 1

    and so on

    Step 4: Result Generation

    The final result set is generated, combining the grouped columns (x and y) with the calculated occurrence_count for each group:

    x y occurrence_count
    A 1 2
    B 2 1
    B 3 1
    C 2 1

    Step 5: Query Completion

    The result set is presented to the user or application that requested the data.

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