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I have a table

Assets table

Asset Id | Asset Name | Asset Type | Product Id

Transfers Table

Transfer Id | From Asset ID | To Asset Id | Product Id

I’m trying to join these table to get me

Transfer ID | From Asset Name | To Asset Name | Product Id

I used

Select *
From Transfer
Left join Asset on = from_asset_id or = to_asset_id

But I’m getting the output in different rows for the from asset name and to asset name.I want it to be in a same column not rows.

Can anyone help me, how should I query to get to my output?



  1. You seem to want two joins, as in:

    select, from_asset_name, to_asset_name,
    from transfers t
    inner join assets a1 on = t.from_asset_id
    inner join assets a2 on = t.to_asset_id

    I am not sure why you would use left join here – unless the two asset columns are nullable.

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  2. I made an attempt using slightly different notation from that of the accepted answer, but you could also use the following:

    select t1.transfer_id, t2.asset_name as from_asset_name,
    t3.asset_name as to_asset_name, t1.product_id from transfers as t1
    inner join assets as t2 on t1.from_asset_id=t2.asset_id
    inner join assets as t3 on t1.to_asset_id=t3.asset_id;
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