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In SQL I have:

        CREATE TABLE Customer(
            cust_id INT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY CHECK (cust_id > 0),
            full_name TEXT NOT NULL,
            phone TEXT NOT NULL,
            address TEXT NOT NULL CHECK (LENGTH(address) >= 3)

        CREATE TABLE "Order"(
            order_id INT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY CHECK (order_id > 0),

        CREATE TABLE Dish(
            dish_id INT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY CHECK (dish_id > 0),
            name TEXT NOT NULL CHECK (LENGTH(name) >= 3),
            price NUMERIC NOT NULL CHECK (price > 0),
            is_active BOOLEAN NOT NULL

        CREATE TABLE Placed(
            order_id INT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY CHECK (order_id > 0),
            cust_id INT NOT NULL CHECK (cust_id > 0),
            FOREIGN KEY (order_id) REFERENCES "Order" (order_id) ON DELETE CASCADE,
            FOREIGN KEY (cust_id) REFERENCES Customer (cust_id)

When trying to delete a customer I want to delete his personal data but to keep his placed orders and not to delete them.

When trying to run:

DELETE FROM Customer WHERE cust_id = 1

I get:

update or delete on table "customer" violates foreign key constraint "placed_cust_id_fkey" on table "placed"
DETAIL:  Key (cust_id)=(1) is still referenced from table "placed".

How can I fix this?



  1. You can not (and should not) delete customers from database, because the Placed table linked to Customer by foreign key. I can to advice you SOFT DELETE pattern in this case. It demand to add deleted_at column on Customer table and using this column you can mark a customer as deleted intead delete it from database.

    CREATE TABLE Customer(
        cust_id INT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY CHECK (cust_id > 0),
        full_name TEXT NOT NULL,
        phone TEXT NOT NULL,
        address TEXT NOT NULL CHECK (LENGTH(address) >= 3),
        deleted_at timestamp
    UPDATE Customer SET deleted_at = current_timestamp WHERE cust_id = 1;

    You can try this concept here

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  2. Do it with two Commands.

    UPDATE placed SET cust_id = NULL WHERE cust_id = 1;
    DELETE FROM Customer WHERE cust_id = 1;

    Soft deliting is a clean way, but because of the laws for example in Europe, you need to hard delete it.

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