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Working with external Postgres DB, I have only read permissions, so I have to deal with a poorly designed tables.

I have a table:

    user_id uuid NOT NULL,
    column_a boolean DEFAULT false,
    column_b boolean DEFAULT false,
    column_c boolean DEFAULT false

The table is designed in such a way that only one of the 3 columns is set to true (or all of them are false).

I need to select the column name which is set to true. Is there an elegant way to achive this?

user_id column_a column_b column_c
u1 F F F
u2 F T F
SELECT WHERE user_id = 'u2'

should return ‘column_b‘ in this example (because it is the one that is set to true).

Tried different approaches but can’t find an elegant way



  1. With CASE .. THEN .. ELSE syntax:

      CASE WHEN column_a = true
      THEN column_a
      ELSE CASE WHEN column_b = true
        THEN column_b
        ELSE CASE WHEN column_c = true
          THEN column_c ELSE null
      END as RESULT
    FROM table
    WHERE user_id = 'u2'
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  2. You can use a lateral join that turns the columns into rows, then pick the one with a true value:

    select t.user_id, f.col
    from the_table t
      left join lateral (
          ('column_a', t.column_a), 
          ('column_b', t.column_b), 
          ('column_c', t.column_c)
      ) as f(col, value) on f.value
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