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I have a postgres table Article which has three columns – title, description, categories. All the three columns contain plain text.

I have 2 search words – say word1, word2

I want to find the records where title+description+categories contains all the exact search words, in any order.

  • need exact case-insensitive matches.
    Ex. man shouldn’t match against woman.
  • The search words can appear in any order Ex. If we search for "pollution global warming" – it should match against "… global abc warming adds to toxic mix of pollution…"

Need help in implementing a procedure(if not possible by query) where we can pass in the list of search words and it should return the list of records.

Any pointer will be a great help.

On a side note, I intend to consume this in django. If this requirement can be better achieved using django ORM, that should also suffice.



  1. You can do:

    select *
    from (select lower(title || description || categories) as txt from t)
    where txt like lower('%word1%') and txt like lower('%word2%')
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  2. Well considering that you don’t want them in a specific order, you can match syntax by concatenating the two columns into a new column and then checking the condition for both of them.

    SELECT * 
    FROM (SELECT LOWER(CONCAT(col1, ' ', col2)) AS conc_col from table)
    WHERE conc_col LIKE LOWER('%word1%') AND conc_col LIKE LOWER('%word2%')

    Notice that using AND will only return the string if both the words are present.

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