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The table below is a subset of a table from a db I have access to:

CREATE TABLE trips(trip_id INT, foot BOOLEAN, bike BOOLEAN, bus BOOLEAN, 
  car BOOLEAN, metro BOOLEAN, motorcycle BOOLEAN, train BOOLEAN,
  other BOOLEAN)

-- sample values
INSERT INTO trips (trip_id, foot, bike, bus, car, metro, 
  motorcycle, train, other)

Then for example, I want to produce the following statistics above mode of trip in the table.

  • number trips by foot only
  • number of trips by bus only
  • number of trips by car only etc.., then
  • number of trips by foot AND car
  • trips by foot AND bus
  • total trips for which all modes are FALSE.

I produce this db<>fiddle, but not sure how to filter this stats.



  1. Do logic operation

    SELECT * FROM trips WHERE foot = true
    AND (bike AND  bus AND  car AND  metro AND 
      motorcycle AND train AND other) = False
    trip_id foot bike bus car metro motorcycle train other
    19 t f f f f f f f
    56 t f t f f f f f
    65 t f f t f f f f
    SELECT * FROM trips WHERE (foot AND car) = true
    AND (bike AND  bus AND  metro AND 
      motorcycle AND train AND other) = False
    trip_id foot bike bus car metro motorcycle train other
    65 t f f t f f f f


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  2. You can construct your queries following the template below

    Foot only

    SELECT count(*) nf 
    FROM trips 
    WHERE foot 
       AND NOT (bike OR bus OR car OR metro OR motorcycle OR train OR other)

    Foot + car only

    SELECT count(*) nfc
    FROM trips 
    WHERE foot AND car
    AND NOT (bike OR bus OR metro OR motorcycle OR train OR other)

    The same in a single query using a conditional aggregation

      count(*) filter(where foot 
                           AND NOT (bike OR bus OR car OR metro OR motorcycle OR train OR other)) nf,
      count(*) filter(where foot AND car
                           AND NOT (bike OR bus OR metro OR motorcycle OR train OR other)) nfc 
    FROM trips 
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  3. Normalize your data by flipping it over to jsonb, and one query can get you all mixes of modes:

    with normed as (
      select trip_id, tmode, used::boolean
        from trips
             cross join lateral jsonb_each(to_jsonb(trips) - 'trip_id') as e(tmode, used)
    ), modenames as (
      select distinct tmode, 
             (2 ^ (dense_rank() over (order by tmode) - 1))::bigint as mode_val
        from normed
    ), possible_n as (
      select generate_series(0, max(mode_val::bigint) * 2 - 1) as tripval
        from modenames
    ), perms as (
      select n.tripval, string_agg(m.tmode, ', ' order by m.mode_val) as tmodes,
             count(1) as n_modes
        from possible_n n 
             join modenames m on m.mode_val & n.tripval > 0
       group by n.tripval
    ), tvals as (
      select n.trip_id, sum(m.mode_val) as tripval
        from normed n
             join modenames m on m.tmode = n.tmode
       where n.used = true
       group by n.trip_id
    select p.tmodes, count(v.trip_id) n_trips, 
           nullif(array_agg(v.trip_id), '{NULL}') trips
      from perms p
           left join tvals v on v.tripval = p.tripval
     group by p.n_modes, p.tmodes
     order by p.n_modes;


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