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I need to calculate the (quarterly sessions conversion rate) = (number of orders) / (number of sessions) for an online store.

Here is the data table:

CREATE TABLE orders_full (

CREATE TABLE sessions_data (
    -- records all the sessions (includes the one customers does not order anything)

I managed to get quarterly total number of orders by counting function. However, To get the conversion rate,I need to count all the sessions occurs each quarter.

Desired result:

year  quarter  number of orders  number of sessions  rate of conversion
2021     1            ...               ...                ...
2022     2            ...              ...                ...

I tried this code:

    datepart(YEAR, orders_full.created_at)              as 'year',
    datepart(QUARTER,orders_full.created_at)            as 'quarter',
    count(orders_full.order_id)                                     as 'order created at this quarter',
    count(sessions_data.session_id)                                 as 'sessions created at this quarter'
'100*count(orders_full.order_id)/count(sessions_data.sesssion_id) as'conversion rate
from orders_full
right outer join sessions_data on sessions_


group by datepart(YEAR,orders_full.created_at), datepart(QUARTER,orders_full.created_at)
--having datepart(year, sessions_data.created_at) = datepart(year,orders_full.created_at) 
order by datepart(YEAR,orders_full.created_at), datepart(QUARTER,orders_full.created_at) ASC

It always give the conversions rate of 100% with same sessions and orders created each quarter.
is there any way to fix this issue?



  1. You are counting rows in your selected set ; it doesn’t matter what column name you put in count() (they will be the same as long as session_id and order_id are not null). If you want to count the unique sessions, you can use:

    count(distinct sessions_data.session_id)

    If there is a chance that this can be zero (because some session_ids are null for some combinations of year & quarter, for example), then you can use something like this for your division:

    100*count(orders_full.order_id)/nullif(count(distinct sessions_data.sesssion_id),0)

    This avoids divide by zero errors by forcing the result to null.

    Also to consider is ‘integer division’; count returns an integer, so an integer divided by another integer, will not have decimals by default. if you want the result of the division to be accurate to some decimals, you can convert some operands to a ‘non-integer numeric’ data type (carefully considering the order and precedence of operators), like:

    * count(orders_full.order_id)
    / nullif(count(distinct sessions_data.sesssion_id),0)

    The decimal point in 100., converts the result of 100. * count(orders_full.order_id) to have 6 decimals.

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  2. Hope this will works for you.

    WITH QuarterlyOrders AS (
            DATEPART(YEAR, created_time) AS year,
            DATEPART(QUARTER, created_time) AS quarter,
            COUNT(order_id) AS number_of_orders
        FROM orders_full
        GROUP BY DATEPART(YEAR, created_time), DATEPART(QUARTER, created_time)
    QuarterlySessions AS (
            DATEPART(YEAR, created_time) AS year,
            DATEPART(QUARTER, created_time) AS quarter,
            COUNT(sessions_id) AS number_of_sessions
        FROM sessions_data
        GROUP BY DATEPART(YEAR, created_time), DATEPART(QUARTER, created_time)
        100.0 * qOrders.number_of_orders / qSessions.number_of_sessions AS conversion_rate
        QuarterlyOrders qOrders
        FULL OUTER JOIN QuarterlySessions qSessions
        ON qOrders.year = qSessions.year AND qOrders.quarter = qSessions.quarter
        qOrders.year, qOrders.quarter;
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