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I am using QuestDB and one column has values double e.g. 10.5, 5.2 etc, but few rows come like -nan, inf for not a number and infinity.
What is the best way to sum this column. If I do normal sum it fails with casting problem due to nan and inf rows.

I can also use PostgreSQL if you think it can be solved in that.



  1. You might want to try the KSUM function .

    Alternatively, you could always use COALESCE to turn nulls into Zeroes.

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  2. Could you explain ‘how normal sum fails with casting problem’ ?

    In QuestDB sum(double) skips null and NaN values but includes +/-Infinity.

    Example (with psql because Web Console shows Infinities as null):

    create table data ( d double);
    insert into data values  (null), (NaN), (0);
    select sum(d) from data;
    (1 row)

    Now, if we add Infinity:

    insert into data values  ('Infinity');
    select sum(d) from data;
    (1 row)

    What happens if we add -Infinity ?

    insert into data values  ('-Infinity');
    select sum(d) from data; sum 
    (1 row)

    we get null, which is the same as NaN in QuestDB (see DATA TYPES), because we try to add -Infinity and +Infinity and that can’t return a sensible result.

    In addition to what Javier mentioned above, you also can skip Infinities with is not null:

    select sum(d) from data where d is not null;
    (1 row)
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