Node.js / Nest.js /Typeorm /postgresql
my code is
i have table farm
| id | center_point type GeoJson | point type GeoPoints|
It can save to database, Does it have another way to update before commitTransaction
if Transaction fail does function updateFarmMapPoint are going to run
? (this function have parameter which is id from farm in Transaction )
async updateFarmMapPoint(farmId: number, centerPoint: GeoPointDto) {
try { const wkt = `POINT(${centerPoint.long} ${})`;
await this.repository.query(
`UPDATE farms SET map_point = ST_GeomFromText($1,${Srid.SRID_4326})
WHERE id = $2;`,[wkt, farmId],);
} catch (error) {
throw new InternalServerErrorException(error);
async createFarmsBo(data){
const createFarms = this.repository.create({});
const queryRunner = this.connection.createQueryRunner();
await queryRunner.connect();
await queryRunner.startTransaction();
const farms =,createFarms);
return await this.saveFarmsBo(farms,queryRunner);
async saveFarmsBo(farms: Partial<FarmsEntity>, runner?: QueryRunner){ const queryRunner = runner || this.connection.createQueryRunner();
if (!runner) {
await queryRunner.connect();
await queryRunner.startTransaction();
try {
await, farms),
await queryRunner.commitTransaction();
// What can go wrong this this line after commitTransaction?
await this.updateFarmMapPoint(, farms.centerPoint);
return true;
} catch (error) {
await queryRunner.rollbackTransaction();
throw new InternalServerErrorException(error);
} finally {
await queryRunner.release();
i use trigger function instead of create function in code
Transactions are used to make sure if anything that is done within the transactions (from start transactions to commit transactions) fails; all preceding successfully SQL operations are reverted/rolled back. If anything is done outside a transaction, they will no-doubt work like independent SQL statements but will not roll-back.
Let’s say you want to update Table A and then Table B. If you do both inside a transaction, and if Table A passes and Table B fails, the action done on Table A will be reverted as if it never happened. So all actions in the transaction happen, or nothing happens. Without transaction, they will run without this roll back – Table A goes ahead, and Table B fails.
So yes, the SQL statement will run, even after the transaction after commit, and do changes accordingly – pass or fail.