I have the following sql code for MariaDB and it is working, but now I try to rewrite it into to sql for PostgreSQL and get an error.
The sql code for MariaDb is:
SELECT monthname(f.datetime) AS month,
sum(case when f.amount >= 0 then f.amount else 0 end) AS income,
sum(case when f.amount < 0 then f.amount else 0 end) AS expense,
sum(f.amount) as difference
from finance.finance f
where f.country not in ("ZZ")
and year(f.datetime) = $year
GROUP BY monthname(f.datetime)
order by month(f.datetime)
and the code in sql in PostgreSQL is:
select to_char(f.datetime, 'Month') as month,
sum(case when f.amount >= 0 then f.amount else 0 end) as income,
sum(case when f.amount < 0 then f.amount else 0 end) as expense,
sum(f.amount) as difference
from finance f
where f.country not in ('ZZ')
and extract(year from f.datetime) = $year
GROUP BY to_char(f.datetime, 'Month')
order by to_char(f.datetime, 'MM')
But I get the following error:
ERROR: column "f.datetime" must appear in the GROUP BY clause or be used in an aggregate function
The following sql code works but gives the month as a number with a leading zero.
select to_char(f.datetime, 'MM') as month,
sum(case when f.amount >= 0 then f.amount else 0 end) as income,
sum(case when f.amount < 0 then f.amount else 0 end) as expense,
sum(f.amount) as difference
from finance f
where f.country not in ('ZZ')
and extract(year from f.datetime) = $year
GROUP BY to_char(f.datetime, 'MM')
order by to_char(f.datetime, 'MM')
How can I solve it? I want to have the first column as month name, thus no month numbers or timestamps.
You could use a subselect:
you can simply add the MM t6o the
it wouldn’t change the result and so you use it toORDER BY